

“Majek is not dead; he is very sick and we are stranded and we need funds urgently,” his manager lamented.We want his fans to pray for him; we have been to Nigerian High Commission in the UK and they said they have no funds and it is not their duty, you can’t imagine. We even got a letter from Queen Elizabeth hospital informing the high commission about Majek’s condition but it has amounted to nothing.”

Penpushing further reports that, Omenka was silent on the nature of  the legendary musician ailment, lamenting that since they arrived in London he has expended so much on the singer’s upkeep, daily feeding, and transportation.

Lush Arena

 “Majek’s ailment is a culmination of so many things. Back in Nigeria, we went from hospital to hospital; St Nicholas even supported us at some point. I sold cars, properties to offset his hospital bills. The airline didn’t even want to fly him to the UK because of his condition; we have spent over N10m in Nigeria.

“One of the issues are that Majek doesn’t have a house in Nigeria, so since January, I was paying N1.2 million monthly on accommodation. This was because we needed an apartment that has stable electricity. You know Majek was psychiatric and it meant he couldn’t stay in an apartment can’t stay with a generator so we lived in Metro Apartment where I paid N40,000 daily because I couldn’t afford to pay monthly or yearly”, he said

 “Thankfully, a prominent Nigerian has offered to pay Majek’s medical bills only. Majek has granted me permission to plead with his fans to assist him financially. Donations can be sent to Omenka Uzoma Day, GTB Bank and UK account, Omenka Uzoma Day Barclays Bank, Account No;30260762, Sort code: 202947.”

Penpushing also reports that, Majek Fashek was a household  name across the globe in his hey days, until he reported  to have engaged in drug addiction, and in 2015, was said to have gone bankrupt and following his  admittance that he needed help at the time, he was admitted into a drug rehabilitation centre in Abuja.


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