
Journalist releases musical album to checkmate incessant killings in Nigeria

A North America-based Nigerian journalist-singer, Dupe Olaoye-Osinkolu has released a new single to address incessant crimes which include kidnapping, rape and killings among other social vices in Nigeria.
Penpushing reports that, the journalist-musician popularly called ‘Mama Labour’ in the album titled, Blood and Tears, decries the spate of ritual killings, and kidnappings, urging the law enforcers to rise up to the unfortunate trend.
The music video, interpreted by seasoned actors; Tubosun Odunsi, Joke Muyiwa, and others, pointed out the possible repercussion of evil deeds as God is said to be against such.
Penpushing further reports in the emotion laden music, the lyrics, rendered in English and Yoruba urged the youth to shun crime and guide them against being brainwashed towards murderous intents,with a call on the appropriate authorities in the country to rise up to the challenges before it finally get out of hands

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