
Terrorists kill nine traders in Katsina highway attack

Terrorists have killed nine traders who were returning from the Jibia weekly market in Katsina State, with several others injured by marauding terrorists who burnt down two Peugeot J5 buses on Sunday between hours of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Penpushing reports that Jibia to Batsari, Batsari to Katsina, Jibia to Katsina, and Kankara to Sheme, are some of the roads most vulnerable to attacks in Katsina State which has witnessed terror activities for several years

The source who identified himself as Muhammad Lawal said the terrorists opened fire on the vehicles when the drivers refused to stop, killing eight traders instantly while one other died later, with several of the traders ran into the bush and walked home afterwards while the terrorists burnt down the two vehicles.

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“As usual, they left Jibia market before 6 p.m. because they wanted to reach home before Magrib (sunset) prayer. You know Jibia to Batsari road is always busy on Sunday so, the terrorists must have planned to abduct the traders but the drivers refused to stop,”

Penpushing reports that while security agents deposited eight bodies evacuated from the scene of the incident on Sunday night, a passenger has been declared missing with residents unsure whether he was abducted or killed as his corpse had not been seen.

The Katsina State Police Command Public Relations Officer Abubakar Aliyu, as at the time of filing this report was yet to make any official statement on the ugly and worrisome development about the attack.

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