
Renowned artist, Olatubosun Ojo showcase art gallery exhibition of egbas

Ibidapo Elujoba and Dolapo Adesoji(interns)

A renowned artist, Olatubosun Ojo has launched and showcased an art gallery exhibition, which  focus, are meant for the documentation of the Egba communities, based on origin, history, culture, living  and environments, lifestyle among others.

Penpushing reports that, the event was held at Federal Secretariat Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital, and had in attendance notable dignitaries which include veterans and experts in the art work across the country.

Lush Arena

The  artworks presentation include images of Olumo rock, Alake of Egbaland, Oba Adedotun Gbadebo, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Olufunmilayo Ransome-Kuti, Bata drums ,Adire fabrics, hairdo and Fela Anikulao-Kuti among others

Penpushing further reports that, the artist in his speech said he took the responsibility to educate and create values in human existence through his work of arts and serigraph prints medium of expression which is irrefutably unique by its own way

The Egba born Ojo , who disclosed that the exhibition was the second series, also  featured stylized figurative works which include common traditional Abeokuta slangs(Baawa), a discussion/dialogue consent of Abeokuta People, Egba female hairdo, motifs as embellishment on Adire fabrics, Abeokuta communities and environs and selected portrait of Egba indigenes

Penpushing also reports that, he noted that Egbas have produced many outstanding persons in Nigeria, explaining his artwork productions shall be visual and artistically documented in the next Abeokuta series solo exhibition

The artist who took time to take guests round some of the artworks used the opportunity to call on talented artists, on need to discover themselves early enough, and exhibit hardwork for self-development

“My advice for the upcoming artist is that they should be hardworking and they need to be persistence, they need to go through the fire before you can be known, you need to work very hard, you need to be 24 hours in the studio’, he emphasised

‘You need to be very active and be conversant with what is going on around you, in your environment you need to be conversant with that and you need to be recording them, documenting them, it will help you as an artist or any artist to be able to establish himself or herself, to be able to document what God has given him which is the talent as an artist’, he added.

Penpushing reports that, Director General, National Gallery of Art, Ebeten William Ivara in his goodwill message acknowledged the competence of Ojo in the art profession, and saluted him for his resilience, passion and dexterity

The Director General disclosed that the National Gallery of Art will continue to work with all stakeholders in the visual arts sub-sector for best results, adding that the authorities have completed the harmonization of the National Gallery Art establishment act for repeal and re-enactment in collaboration with the Society of Nigerian Artists

Penpushing further reports that, Ivara also admitted that Abeokuta has a rich and robust history, particularly in the area of arts, craft and culture, noting that no surprise that some of the Nigeria’s iconic figures like the legendary Fela Anikulapo-Kuti and Prof Wole Soyinka hails from the ancient town

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