
Nigerian Professor suspended over alleged sexual harassment

The authorities of University of Calabar, Cross River State, has suspended the Dean, Faculty of Law, Prof Cyril Ndifon, over allegations of sexual harassment by female students of the institution who recently held a peaceful rally against him.

Penpushing reports that, the suspension of Ndifon of his position as the Dean of Law Faculty and also suspended him from the school was contained in a letter from the University Registrar, Gabriel Egbe,  as stated in press statement issued by the Public Relations Department of the university.

The statement declared that Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof Florence Obi, was dissatisfied with Ndifon’s response to a query on the sexual harassment allegations, hence, the matter was referred to a panel to investigate

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“The matter is referred to a panel that will be set-up to investigate the allegations levelled against him. You are to hand over all University property in your possession including all official responsibilities presently handled by you to the Sub-Dean of the Faculty before vacating office. You are to stay away from the University premises except while responding to invitation from the panel investigating these allegations’, the letter reads.

Penpushing further report the embattled Dean it is recalled had denied the allegations, arguing that the protest was sponsored by lecturers in the faculty who did not like his style of leadership, but as at the time of filing this report Ndifon could not be reach.

The Professor it is recalled  was previously suspended by the school authority in 2015 after he was accused of raping a 20-year-old law student in his office, an allegation he challenged in court, while the  but  suspension was lifted about a year later, but that could not be ascertained as at time of this report.

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