Metro Plus

Nigerian government declares public holidays for Eid-el-Fitri

The Nigerian government has declared Tuesday and Wednesday, 9th and 10th of April, as public holidays to mark the Eid-el-Fitri festival, at the end of Ramadan, the Islamic month during which Muslims fast from dusk to dawn for 29 or 30 days.

Penpushing reports that the Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, made the announcement of the public holidays, in a statement on Sunday by his Ministry, while the Ramadan is expected to end on Monday or Tuesday night

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Meanwhile, record has it that Ramadan is the month in which it is believed that the Holy Qur’an was sent down from heaven as a guidance for men and women, a declaration of direction, and a means of salvation,and during  this month, Muslims observe a strict fast from dawn until sunset.

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