
Iyalode of Yorubaland, Alaba Lawson commends Penpushing Media for gender sensitivity

The Iyalode of Yorubaland, Iyalode Alaba Lawson has commended management and editorial board of Penpushing Media for being gender sensitive and passionate about women and child welfare and activities.

Penpushing reports that Lawson gave the commendation in her speech as the mother of the day at the 5th anniversary lecture of Penpushing Media held on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at Marquee Events Centre, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta.

‘Let me be a little bit selfish in my speech and this is borne out of the fact that Penpushing Media is gender sensitive, I have taken time to study the mode of operations, and it is no more news that Penpushing Media is also passionate about women welfare and activities’, Lawson said.

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‘Examples are numerous, for instance if you look at the structure of the organisation, the editorial board chairman Mrs Funke Fadugba is a woman, the chairperson of planning committee, Dr Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi is also a woman’, she noted.

‘I want therefore used this opportunity on behalf of women across the world thank the management of Penpushing Media for considering the relevance and importance of women in the society. God bless you’,  Iyalode emphasised

Penpushing further reports that she said it gladden her heart that within a period of five years of operations, the media outlet has become a household name and globally accepted, adding that she is not surprise with the stride having known the founder for over three decades as a proactive and committed journalist of repute.

‘It gladdens my heart that within a period of five years of operations, the media outlet has become a household name and globally accepted, and I would say I am not surprise with the stride, having known the founder for over 30 years, as a proactive and committed journalist, with passion for his chosen noble profession’, Lawson added.

‘The Yoruba adage says, ‘Ti omode bamo owo we, aba agba jeun’ the integrity and competence of Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji, has always given him leverage to dine and wine with the elders, having built solid relationship with notable personalities within and outside the country till date’, Iyalode said

‘I must also appreciate, the Editorial Board, membership and team of Penpushing Media, no doubt they are competent hands. If within five years of Penpushing operations, it has become a household name globally, that shows authenticity of the media platform’, she added.

‘It is also on record that, the medium within its years of operations is in partnership with a number of reputable media organisations, has introduced new and positive initiative to add value to the profession, particularly in the area of fighting hard against fake news which is almost becoming order of the day, this no doubt is a good development and a clear fact that, the partnering organisations are convinced about the competence of Penpushing in the media world.

‘One notable example is partnership which exist between the organization and United Nations Information Centre(UNIC), as well as host of other notable organization within and outside Nigeria, and I must say this I am proud to be associated with Penpushing Media’,Lawson emphaised

‘I must also have to acknowledge another feat and innovation of Penpushing Media, which is highly commendable and this is moving forward in the area of  corporate social responsibility, by using the platform to address the plights of the less privileged and indigents, example that comes to mind among others is the case of Sarah Ajayi, 18-year-old blind girl, who lost her two eyes to cataract while in SSS 2 class about four years ago’, she noted.

‘Penpushing professionally took up her case which attracted a stakeholder on the platform, and took over the responsibilities to address her academic challenges. The Penpushing apart from the reportage, searched for a school for her, sponsored her education with the support of a former military administrator and today, Sarah is a graduate from the School for the blind, whose life has been transformed’.

‘In reference to this feat I want to task other media organisations to emulate the initiative of Penpushing Media, in the area of proactive journalism practice, and this will go a long way to bring smiles to faces of victims at all time’.

‘Finally, as you celebrate the 5th anniversary, I wish all stakeholders the best and happy celebration. I am also optimistic that, Penpushing Media is going places in the media industry, in view of the fact that, it started on a solid foundation to ease out fake news dissemination. Once again, congratulations.Thanks and God bless’, Lawson

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