‘ I have a strong conviction in creating opportunities and expanding the space for the education of our children. That was why I established 12 new conventional universities and two specialized ones; the Marine University in Delta State and the Police Academy in Kano State’.
‘My administration’s support for education at all levels is consistent with my belief that we cannot record real progress and development as a nation if we do not robustly invest in education as a way of developing the capacities of our human resources. We tailored our reforms in education to focus on improving quality of learning and expanding access’.
‘Whenever leaders make substantial investments in education in any nation, it is to ensure that the country produces the right kind of human resources to drive its economy to the desired end. However, I believe that learning can only be complete if it factors in the place of morals, character and ethical values as essential qualities to be imbibed by our graduates’.
‘ In a nutshell, when we prescribe quality education for our vibrant teeming youth, as a precondition for making our nation great, it is to be understood that it cannot be attained in isolation of other essential values like honesty, kindness, patriotism, humility and selflessness’.
‘I always advise that while school authorities have their sights trained on academic excellence, they should not forget to also focus on character, this nuanced and softer side of learning that is necessary to make university education complete and worthwhile’.
‘Whenever I have the opportunity to address our youth on convocation ground, I always remind the graduands to remember the words of the Vice Chancellor that they have been found “worthy in character and learning”. This clearly shows that character is as important as learning, if not more vital in the scheme of things’.
‘That is why no serious university will award First Class Honours degree to any student notorious for street fights or usually associated with anti-social behaviour like snatching of ballot boxes during elections, no matter how brilliant such student might have been’.
‘You all should know that your image is inextricably linked with this institution. By your conduct, you can either promote the image and reputation of this institution or mar it. I charge you today to be the Best Ambassadors of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education’.