

We are concerned by the continued marginalization of women in leadership positions in the country and hereby request your Excellency to consider appointing 35% representation of women in the cabinet that will lead your agenda in the state. We also urge you to consider other social groups including the youth and people with disabilities.

We believe that the appointment exercise as a critical tool to steer affairs of the state towards a desirable and sustainable future, such future can support the state towards the achievement of 2030 Global agenda. The state has always been the gate way and leads historically in progressive developments and we will not expect something less from this present government. We are aware that there are several eminently qualified female indigenes of the state for all the sectors and call on your esteemed self to consider these eminently qualified female citizens to position the state appropriately and support your agenda for a better state. Taking this step, will not only position your government as a gender friendly party but it will go a long way in placing Ogun State in the comity of states in Nigeria  as a leader  committed to gender equality and women’s participation in power and decision making. It will set a precedent for other governments across the country and increase the gender rating of Nigeria.

Lush Arena

We urge you to listen to the yearning of the people and support a pro people government that portrays representation that is above board and can support development. Take Notice Sir, that the Women Groups and concerned citizens will undertake a solidarity WALK to your office on Thursday, 1st of August 2019

Long Live the Governor, Long Live Ogun State, and Long Live Nigeria!

Yours faithfully,

 Signed by

Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi,

Chairperson, Transition Monitoring Group (TMG)

Co-Convener, More Women Campaign, Nigeria.

Executive Director, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC)

On behalf of:

Ms. Mojisola  Akinsanya                               

Executive Director

Women for Peace & Gender Equality Initiative Coordinator,

Civil Society Coalition on SDG

(Ogun State)

Kemi Okenyodo

Executive Director

Partners West Africa – Nigeria

  1. 100 Women Group
  2. 9jafeminista
  3. African Women Law Association (AWLA)
  4. ACTS Generation GBV
  5. ADEM Community & Human Development Foundation
  6. Advocate for Health and Development Initiative
  7. African Women’s Initiative (AWI)
  8. Ajegunle Community Project
  9. Alliances for Africa (AfA)
  10. Aminchi Women Cooperative Society
  11. ATATA Development and Empowerment Foundation (ADEF)
  12. Briskila Emefesi Women Foundation (BEWOF)
  13. CEE-HOPE Nigeria
  14. Center for Economic Empowerment and Gender Activities CEEGa
  15. Center for Economic Empowerment Initiatives
  16. Centre for Alternative Development and Self-Enhancement (CEADESE NG)
  17. Centre for Health and Development in Africa(CHEDA)
  18. Centre for Nonviolence and Gender Advocacy in Nigeria (CENGAIN)
  19. Centre for Peace Education and Community Development
  20. Centre for Women’s Health and Information
  21. Centre For Women’s Health And Information (CEWHIN)
  22. Change Managers International Network
  23. Charity Women Spring of Salvation
  24. Chedal Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society
  25. Choung-dung Women Association.
  26. Christian Women for Excellence and Empowerment in Nigerian Society (CWEENS)
  27. Christian Women in Nigerian Politics
  28. Community and Youth Development
  29. Community Education Advancement of Peace and Development Initiative (CEAPDI)
  30. Community Life Project (CLP)
  31. Community Initiative for Healthy and Peaceful Society
  32. Community Rescue Initiative (CRI)
  33. Community Women Initiatives
  34. Courageous People Health and Development Initiative (CPHDL)
  35. Courageous People Health and Development Initiatives
  36. Dorothy Njemanze Foundation
  37. Dream Alive Women and Orphans Support Foundation (DAWOS Foundation)
  38. Echoes of Women in Africa Initiatives (ECOWA)
  39. Education as a Vaccine (EVA)
  40. Emerge Women
  41. Equity Advocates (EA)
  42. FAME Foundation
  43. Federation of Informal Workers of Nigeria (FIWON)
  44. Federation of Muslim Women Association in Nigeria (FOMWAN)
  45. Federation of Paralegal Network (FEDPAN)
  46. Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)
  47. Fembridge Development Initiative (FEDI)
  48. First Future Leadership
  49. Forward in Action for Education, Poverty and Malnutrition (FACE-PAM)
  50. Gender Action Awareness Trust
  51. Gender and Development Action (GADA)
  52. Gender and Constitution Reform Network (GECORN)
  53. Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative(GERI)
  54. Gender Awareness Trust
  55. Gender Development Initiative
  56. Gender Equality Center
  57. Gender Equality, Peace and Development Centre (GEPADCE)
  58. Gender Technical Unit (GTU)
  59. Girl Child Advocacy and Education Initiatives
  60. Girl Child Education, Care & Rehabilitation
  61. Girl Education Rehabilitation and Care (GERAC)
  62. Green Spring Development Initiative
  63. Hadis Foundation
  64. Heal Disability Initiative
  65. Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria(HERFON)
  66. HEIR Women Development (HWD)
  67. Hope for New Life
  68. Inter Africa Committee (IAC)
  69. Inter Gender Peace Foundation
  70. International Action Network on Small Arms Women Network of Nigeria
  71. International Hairstylists, Barber and Body Therapists (IHSTOBAN)
  72. International Society of Media in Public Health (ISMPH)
  73. Iyaniwura Children Care Foundation
  74. Jamatul Nasir Islam, Women Wing
  75. Jana Health Foundation
  76. Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC)
  77. Justice Development and Peace Mission (JDPM)
  78. K/mashi Gamji Women
  79. Kebetkache Women Development and Resources Centre
  80. Kimpact Initiatives
  81. Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND)
  82. League of Queens International Empowerment
  83. Lift Initiative
  84. MBULA Women Association
  85. Media & Teens Network.
  86. More Women in Politics
  87. Nasrul – Lahi-L- Faith Society (NASFAT)
  88. National Association of Women Journalist (NAWOJ)
  89. National Council of Women Societies (NCWS)
  90. Next Initiative for Gender Actions (NIGA)
  91. NGAS Women Farmers’ Cooperative Society
  92. Nigeria Association of Women Journalist (NAWOJ)
  93. Nigeria Labour Congress, Women Committee
  94. Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT)
  95. Nigeria Women Trust Fund
  96. Ogayem Merciful Care and Support Initiatives (OMCSI)
  97. Ogun Women Alive
  98. Onomese Foundation
  99. Osi Joe Touching Lives Initiative
  100. Partners West Africa
  101. Peasant Dragnet
  102. Proactive Gender Initiative (PGI)
  103. Project Alert on Violence Against Women
  104. Ray’s of Hope Community Foundation
  105. Relief development initiative kaduna
  106. Stephanie Peace Building Development Foundation
  107. Support for Needy Children and Women Initiative(SUNCHI)
  108. SWOFON National Abuja
  109. The Priceless Jewels Foundation
  110. The Inclusion Project (TIP)
  111. Transition Monitoring Group
  112. Transformation and Development Center (TDC)
  113. Tunde & Friends Foundation(TAFF)
  114. UC Women Commission
  115. Vision Spring Initiatives (VSI)
  116. Voice of Ogun Women (VOW)
  117. West African Network for Peace Building (WANEP)
  118. Widows Development Organization (WiDO)
  119. Woman-Being Concern Nigeria
  120. Women & Youth Awareness Empowerment Network (WOYAEN)
  121. Women Advocacy, HIV Prevention and Other Diseases (WAHPOD)
  122. Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC)
  123. Women Aid Collectives
  124. Women and Youth Empowerment for Advancement and Health Initiative (WYEAHI)
  125. Women Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON)
  126. Women Empowerment and Initiative Development
  127. Women Farmers Alliance
  128. Women Fm 91.7
  129. Women for Peace and Gender Equality Initiative
  130. Women Foundation Initiative
  131. Women Foundation of Nigeria (WFN)
  132. Women in Africa Initiative
  133. Women in Agriculture
  134. Women in Mining
  135. Women Information Network (WINET)
  136. Women Initiative for Democracy and Empowerment (WIDE)
  137. Women Law Development Center of Nigeria (WLDCN)
  138. Women Lead Agric
  139. Women of Vision Development Initiative
  140. Women Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (WOWICAN)
  141. Women, Infants and Children Care Initiative (WICCI)
  142. Women Protection Organization (WOPO)
  143. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom ( WILPF)
  144. Women’s Right to Education Programme
  145. Women’s Rights and Health Project (WRAHP)
  146. Youth Future Savers Initiative
  147. Youth Future Savers initiative (YFSI)
  148. Youth orphans and Widows Empowerment (YOWE)
  149. Zango Women Empowerment
  150. Zinovi Educational Foundation


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