
Economic Community of West Africa States mourn Iyalode Alaba Lawson

The Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) has commiserated with the family of Iyalode Alaba Lawson who until her death in October 28,2023 was the Founder and President of EECOWAS Federation of Business Women Entrepreneurs (FEBWE) Nigeria Chapter

Penpushing reports that a letter reference number REF: ECW/PSD/L/27.11.2023/ale Abuja, dated 27 November, 2023 signed by Dr. Tony Luka ELUMELU Ag. Director, Private Sector (ECOWAS Commission) said the demise of Lawson was sorrow for the commission

‘In profound sorrow and deep humility before God, the entire Staff of the Directorate of Private Sector, ECOWAS Commission mourn the passing of our cherished and tireless leader, Iyalode Alaba Lawson, MFR.’, the letter stated.

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‘As the esteemed Chairperson of the Nigeria branch of The ECOWAS Federation of Businesswomen and Entrepreneurs (ECOWAS FEBWE), she left an indelible mark on the landscape of women’s empowerment, particularly in entrepreneurship and private sector development in our region’.

‘During her dedicated tenure, Iyalode Alaba Lawson worked relentlessly to establish and fortify the ECOWAS FEBWE branch in Nigeria. Her efforts were instrumental in mobilizing Nigerian women entrepreneurs, urging them to actively contribute to the ECOWAS private sector integration’.

‘Under her visionary leadership, she inspired and empowered women to expand their business endeavors beyond the borders of Nigeria, contributing to the broader economic landscape’, the letter added.

‘Her collaboration with the ECOWAS Commission and the regional FEBWE showcased her unwavering commitment to supporting West African women entrepreneurs. Together, they worked towards creating a conducive regional business climate, fostering competitiveness among ECOWAS enterprises, and championing the cause of women in the business arena’.

‘Chief (Iyalode) Alaba Lawson, a devout and open-hearted Christian, infused her work with Christian virtues-patience, accommodation, love, and peace. Her legacy is not just one of professional achievement but of a life lived in service, guided by principles that transcend the business world’.

‘As we bid farewell to this remarkable leader, our hearts go out to the families she left behind. May the Almighty GOD comfort them in their time of grief and may Iyalode Alaba Lawson’s soul find eternal peace with her Lord JESUS. AMEN’, the commission emphasised.

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