
Bobrisky is a bad influence on youths, says Runsewe

The National Council for Arts and Culture(NCAC) said the lifestyle of a Lagos-based crossdresser, Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju popularly known as Bobrisky is a disgrace and disgust to Nigeria.

Penpushing reports that, the Director-General of the council, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe made this known while speaking in Abuja, stressing that the 29 year old social media personality should not be allowed to continue with his fake life.

The Director General lamented that, Bobrisky had constituted a nuisance to Nigerian and African values and misleading other youth, due to a lack of true African values in him, pointing out that he was even planning to set up the African Chapter of Gay during his recently aborted birthday party?

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Penpushing further reports that, Runsewe  called on parents to instil African cultures and values in their children and wards, to make them become responsible adults  and to always provide guidance to their children to make sure they won’t live lifestyles that would negate African cultures and values in marriage, procreation, moral decency, and respect for elders.

.“Do you know that the so-called Bobrisky was going to set up the African Chapter of Gay and LGBT or whatever they call it in Nigeria during his recently aborted birthday party? People from over 70 countries arrived in Lagos for the event.

“They were all at Ikoyi, preparing to launch it. We got a hint of it and had to put a stop to the event. I seized all the food and gave them to IDPs. If they had launched that thing, Nigeria would have been destroyed by now’, Runsewe stated.

“That was how the insurgency started and because it was not nipped in the bud, today we are facing the consequences of our inaction then. People said the man called Bobrisky is powerful and that anytime he comes to Abuja, he lodges in a presidential suite on the tenth floor of Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

“But I will not stand and see such a character perpetuate a culture that does not conform to our African values and norms. If he wants to continue with that way of life, then he should leave Nigeria. Our culture does not allow such personality in our society. So he should leave Nigeria.”

Penpushing also reports that, the Director General  reiterated that parents should not allow their children to be influenced by characters like Bobrisky, who claim to be female,recalling that Bobrisky started under the guise of selling body creams.

“Bobrisky started by saying he sells body creams and later he added that he got boobs. He went into many areas. He insults Nigerian women, claiming he is prettier than them. This is not African. On his father’s birthday, he dressed like a man. So you can see the deception by a fake personality living a fake life and deceiving Nigerian youth,” he said.

Penpushing reports that, Runsewe said many organisations had praised the council, including a female group from Kenya, for its stand against values that negate African culture and norms, stressing that, “that man is destroying Nigerian children. If we are not careful, in the next few years women will no longer have boyfriends or husbands again.This is because man to man is becoming the order of the day. In Abuja today, men stand on the streets waiting to be patronised by other men”

The Director General disclosed that in due course the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) and the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs would  meet to continue deliberations to seek the way forward in sensitizing the public on the menace.

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