
The prevalence of insecurity in Nigeria and a better solution

By Oluwadara Akingbohungbe

Insecurity has been a major threat to the stability of Nigeria as a nation, however to maintain her sovereignty as a nation, the government needs to swing into action through the various security agencies to curb this cankerworm befallen us as a nation.

Nigeria is face with several security threat, terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, secessionist agitation and lots more. In the northern part of Nigeria, we have the Boko Haram terrorist, while in the southern part of the country we have the secessionist agitation of Biafra nation in the south east, and Yoruba nation in the south west.

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Nigeria is rich in culture and mineral resources. The major reason for the insecurity in Nigeria is negligence from both the government and the citizens.

Nigeria government has been embedded with the task of defending the land against internal and external invasion as stated in the 1999 constitution. If only the Nigeria government can priotise indigenous education by uplifting our socio cultural standard then we can move from an insecured nation to a secured nation.

The Boko Haram terrorist are against western education, they see western education as a taboo. There needs to be community base information center to curb the threat to lives and properties. If only the security forces can have access to right information pertime then there will be an interception by them to put insecurity to stand still.

The roles and duties of each security sectors needs to be spelt out and there can be a joint task operation.  For terrorism to be a thing of the past, there needs to be proper scrutiny of each arm of government. The executive president of Nigeria needs to be sure that each of his cabinet members are not funding terrorism while the legislative both the upper chamber and the lower chamber needs to ensure zero involvement in terrorism, also the judiciary must put same into consideration.

There has been several attacks of Nigerian citizens in the operations of terrorists within some state, as a matter of fact for this to stop there needs to be dialogue, dialogue in the sense that government needs to study the terrorists intentions for their sarcastic operations, if their intention is in line with the constitution then the government can ask them to relinquish their weapon and surrender to the government whereby the government can integrate them into the community by giving them a good living conditions.

As we all know that each suicide bomber will also die in any suicidal operations, there needs to be massive media campaign and orientation of the younger generation about this act. Most of the victims of terrorism act are ignorant of their actions and they have been brainwashed to see their actions as good deeds.

An educated man with a good living conditions can not be recruited to kill himself and others.  Once there is proper education and orientation by the government, there needs to be creation of job opportunities for the youths, because the youths are the major victims of terrorists act.

On the aspect of kidnapping within the country, there needs to be proper security measures that needs to be put in place. The abduction for ransom by these set of individuals needs to be weighed. The security agencies must adopt some high level of intelligence gathering, though they are doing their best in that aspect but more efforts needs to be put in place to safe our land from the enemies of the Nigeria state.

Security operatives must be well equipped with world class artillery and remunerated sufficiently, security agent that’s well equipped will be able to focus on the task of safeguarding and defending the state against internal and external invasion. Also security studies must be priotise in Nigeria’s educational curriculum from primary institution to tertiary institutions.

Oluwadara Akingbohungbe

Author, Reporter, Motivational Speaker, Leadership And Government Consultant, Writes from Ogun State, Nigeria. Email Address:  [email protected]

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