
Superflux International Limited denies printing ballot papers for 2023 election

The management of Superflux International Limited, a security printing company in Nigeria has denied claim in some quarters that the company is being used as a conduit for money laundering, siphoning coronavirus funds, and retaining ballot papers for use in favour of a candidate in the 2023 general elections in Nigeria.

Penpushing reports that Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the company Mr. Gabriel Okonkwo made the clarification in a statement issued on Saturday stressing that the news was handiwork of mischievous set of people

‘The attention of Superflux International Limited, a reputable and renowned security printing company in Nigeria, has been drawn to several untrue and mischievous “news” publications containing allegations of its being used as a conduit for money laundering, siphoning COVID19 funds, and retaining ballot papers for use in favour of a candidate in the 2023 general elections in Nigeria’, Okonkwo wrote.

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Penpushing further reports that the statement to debunk the rumour emphaised that it was a spurious allegation which has no logic or reason, adding that the company is known for a long stand integrity and excellence

‘Ordinarily, we will rather not join issues with mischief makers on this spurious allegations, which has no foundation in logic or reason, but are compelled to do so in the interest of the teeming members of the public, who continue to trust us for our longstanding integrity; and our esteem partners, who understanding the excellence, reputation and standards we have built over the decades, continue to rely on our services and unblemished reputation of excellence that we have nurtured for over 25 years’.

‘To address this absolutely false allegations, obviously been cowardly by faceless fellows, we wish to state as follows: Our Company is extremely mindful and jealously guards the responsibility the nature of our business puts on us as a corporate entity in the interest of our esteemed customers and the general public’, the statement added.

Penpushing also reports that the managing Director of the organization explained that contrary to the false and malicious allegations making the rounds, the company has never and will never be used as a conduit for money laundering or a vehicle for syphoning public funds or any illegitimate funds at all.

‘We find the false allegation that our Company retained ballot papers in the 2023 elections for the use and benefit of a particular candidate both disturbing and astonishing; as it is totally false in all ramifications’, Okonkwo emphasised.

‘For the records, our Company states categorically that it was not contracted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (‘NEC), (the agency in charge of electoral affairs in Nigeria with mandates to conduct elections) to print ballot papers for ANY elections during the 2023 electoral period’.

‘We therefore did not print any ballot paper for Ogun state and as such the opportunity did not arise. Therefore, the false claim by the pliable section of the media that we produced extra ballot papers and fed a parallel channel is not only baseless and false, but also aimed at achieving sinister purposes’, the statement added.

‘It is in the public domain that the INEC budget for 2023 election was not approved until November 2022. How is it then conceivable that INEC would have contracted and paid our company in 2020 a job to be executed in 2023? Two years before budget approval’.

‘We state without fear of contradiction that Mr. Tokunbo Talabi, our erstwhile director resigned in June 2019 to pursue other causes of interest to him and his resignation was accepted by our Board of Directors who wished him well in his endeavors’.

‘The Board subsequently appointed Mr. Gabriel Okonkwo as the Managing Director and CEO of the company, conducted its change of signatories of bank accounts and also effected the necessary document changes at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria’.

‘These should not be a rocket or difficult to verify if the hack writers and their sponsors have acted as true journalists and investigators, but we are not surprised as they set out for purposes other than the truth’.

‘We further find assertions of being used as a conduit for syphoning COVID19 Funds, a fund meant to support and rescue the world at the time of an explosive pandemic that claimed lives and brought businesses as well as daily life to a grinding halt, totally appalling, illogical, barbaric, extremely distasteful and blatantly false’.

‘In actual fact, our Company as a responsible corporate entity had, despite the low business tempo of the business environment, decided to support various communities and institutions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic’.

‘As a very humane company and being socially responsible, we have in recent past, embarked on various projects, interventions and donations. One of these is the N20 million donation to Ogun State Covid 19 Funds on April 6, 2020, which the hack writers and their collaborators found convenient to omit because of their evil intention’.

‘During that period also, on April 2, 2020, the sum of   was paid to Zimanel Global Enterprises for the purchase of food items shared as COVID-19 relief and N2,100,000 was also donated as COVID-19 support, just to mention a few. All donations made by us were naturally debited in our accounts but, in their mischief, the fake news peddlers presented them as collections/credits’.

‘Therefore, we find it shocking that the adversaries of our former director twisted the genuine support that we gave the Ogun State Government as a corporate entity and as part of our corporate social responsibility during the COVD-19 pandemic to their own ends in other to malign our company’.

‘Contrary to what is being peddled we actually made significant contributions from our own funds to support the indigent and vulnerables to the tune of several millions of Naira as authorized and approved by our Board of directors. We neither solicited nor received any funds from any entities in relation to the fight against COVID-19’.

‘We find objectionable, the intrusion into our privacy and we are resolved to ensure that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to book and our legal advisers have been briefed accordingly; and surely appropriate steps will be taken against these criminals’.

‘Finally, we thank our customers for their continuing support and hereby warn the peddlers of malicious falsehood to desist from circulating these spurious allegations as we shall not hesitate to take legal steps in the interest of our reputation, business and integrity’, Okonkwo stated.

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