
Senator Ibikunle Amosun mourns legendary poet, Jimi Solanke

Former Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, has mourned demise of Pa Jimi Solanke a cultural icon, master storyteller, veteran actor, legendary poet, renowned thespian, and folk singer who passed on Monday, February 5, 2024 at the age of 81 years.

Penpushing reports that Amosun in a condolence message by his media aide, Alhaji Bola Adeyemi on Tuesday expressed sadness over the death, noting that the deceased as an illustrious indigene of Ipara-Remo, Ogun State made the state, Nigeria and Africa proud through his immense contributions to the growth of the arts industry.

‘Pa Solanke’s expertise across the spectrum of the art industry including drama, music, poetry, etc will remain evergreen. With his art, he brought happiness to many homes and families. As a teacher, he has mentored many generations of students who are doing excellently well across the world. As an icon of the Yoruba culture, Pa Solanke personified the best of the Yoruba culture’, Amosun wrote.

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The former Governor recalled with nostalgia how Solanke dominated the Nigerian airwaves in the 80s, particularly through his prowess for storytelling and the leading roles he played in several movies he featured including ‘Kongi’s Harvest’, ‘Sango’, and ‘Shadow Parties’, among others.

Penpushing also reports that Amosun condoled with the widow, children, grandchildren and the entire Solanke family as they mourn his passing, and enjoined them all to take solace in the fact that the deceased lived a fulfilled life and left behind enduring legacies.

The Governor in the condolences message prayed that Almighty God would grant the late veteran and renowned legendary poet, eternal rest and give his entire family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

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