Metro Plus

Rotary club offers Iyalode Alaba Lawson membership, presents international identification number

The non-political, non-religious global network of professionals Rotary Club with millions of membership across the globe has offered Iyalode of Yorubaland, Iyalode Alaba Lawson member of the club at a ceremony held on Tuesday in Abeokuta. Ogun State Capital

Penpushing reports that the league of past presidents, board and entire members of the Abeokuta metro of the club converged on the palatial home of Lawson located in quarry road of the ancient town to present her international membership identification of the club.

Lush Arena

The membership letter dated June 20, 2023 jointly signed by Rotarian Babatunde Aremu(Imaginative President) and  Rotarian Ogundaini Abiodun(Imaginative Secretary) explained that her(Lawson) track records were the yardstick  considered as worthy, hence, need to be part of the club

‘We bring you warm greetings on behalf of our League of Past Presidents, Board and Entire members of Rotary Club of Abeokuta Metro. It is with great honor that we write to notify you of your Rotary International registration ID 11780694. With this ID, you have all the rights and privileges as Rotarian worldwide in as much that remain an active member’, the letter reads.

Penpushing further reports that the club while welcoming the foremost educationist in the country, and the proprietress Alaba Lawson Group of Schools, declared that members across the world are glad to her joining them

‘Once again, we welcome you to this non-political, non-religious global network of professional business people in over 200 countries committed to service and developmental projects and programmes that leads to lasting change within our communities, country and world at large’, the letter emphaised.

Penpushing also reports that Lawson is a known community leader, a philanthropist  and a frontilne educationist in Nigeria, who records of achievements has earned her number of awards within and outside the country, as well as a national award in Nigeria

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