
Policy advocacy team wants Nigerian government to privatize sports

A Policy Advocacy, known as ‘The Think Tank On Nigeria (TTON) has called on Nigerian government on need for the privatization of football, the country flagship sport and all other sports while the government remains as a regulator.

Penpushing reports the organization with over 250 members of various professions drawn from the different geo-political zones of Nigeria made the call in a communique issued at end of discussions centered on youth engagement

The meeting conveyed by Engr DideolU Falobi who doubles as the convener of the platform emphasized that government should implement policies that will aid talent development from teenage years such as the creation of facilities and culture for general sports participation

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The body noted that these should also include empowering teams and academies for different age brackets where they can access trainings and develop their talents, appealing to parents on need  to support their kids that have interest in sports.

‘The government should work on the privatization of football – Nigeria flagship sport and all other sports while the Government remains as a regulator. The Federal and State governments should also encourage the sector by providing at least a good stadium for each town’, the platform stated

Penpushing further reports that, the group government said  should  ensure that every student from primary school is involved in at least 2 sporting activities, while local governments should be  mandated to have a department for sporting activities.

The communique in the same vein, posited that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should also have a department for sport and sporting activities and regulate, while  other commercial banks need to also considered such

‘The states and local governments must be proactive and innovative to seek for sponsorship from the private sector as part of their corporate social responsibility activities. Government should come up with well thought legislation that persuades private sectors to provide sponsorship for sports while enabling control, transparency and accountability for the government and as a side attraction, solid incentives for these sectors’.

Penpushing also reports that, the communique endorsed by 37 members wwho participated at the meeting across the globe suggested that platforms should be established by the government charged with coming up with sporting activities that can keep youths busy during school vacations.

The Advocacy platform said the government should ensure that the education sector restores inter house sports, inter-school sports competitions at local governments,  state and federal government levels.

‘Age grade competition in all sports should also be restored as part of the talent development and  identification process. Housing and Estates agencies should ensure that, there are at least moderately equipped sport centres in estates and neighbourhoods’, the communique added.

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