
Petitions against Police brutality: Ogun state judicial panel commences sitting, says no agenda to witchhunt

The Judicial Panel set up by Ogun State Government to look into petitions against alleged police brutality on Thursday commenced its maiden sitting with explanation that, the panel was not inaugurated to witchhunt anybody

Penpushing reports that, Chairman of the panel, Justice Solomon Olugbemi(rtd) made this known while addressing the court, at the sitting held at the Magistrate Court 1, Isabo, Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital, stressing that the panel is on fact finding mission.

The Head of the Panel, said after fact findings with available evidences and relevant facts, the panel is to make recommendations and not empower to go further for any trial, and also gave assurance that all sittings will follow due process.

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Penpushing further reports that, the panel boss said all petitioners and witnesses should not entertain any fear while giving evidences, stressing that nobody will be subject to any intimidation or threatened throughout the sittings.

‘’This panel is not a witchhunting panel, but factfinding panel, to make recommendations. This is not a trial court; we will admit all relevant evidences. Nobody should have any fear, no complainant or witness will be threatened’, he explained.

Penpushing also reports that, the judge called on the lawyers representing all parties involved not to waste time with technicalities as the sitting goes on, adding that in the same vein, any case in court would not be treated by the panel, explaining that doing such will amount to contempt

The Ogun State Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General, Akingbolahan  Adeniran in his remarks said, the state is interested in the activities of the panel, and reiterated support for the panel, throughout the duration of its sittings

Penpushing reports that, Adeniran who represented the Governor Dapo Abiodun noted, ’justice keep crucial role to keep us together’, emphasizing that the panel was not aimed to witchhunt, adding that he encouraged members of the public to come out with information that would help the panel

The Governor said, in addition to the panel set up to look into alleged illegal activities of the police, the government will soon launch a portal to also address human rights abuse, stressing that the government is interested in the comfort of the residents.

Penpushing further reports that, the National President of Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) who was represented by the Ota branch association, Joseph Ogunniyi appreciated the proactive measures of Ogun State Government in setting up the panel.

The association said the government decision on this was in right direction, stressing that the weak  and victims of violation against human rights and abuses in the society now has hope to get justice and enjoy peace with comfort.

Penpushing also reports that, Barrister Habeeb Whyte, the Ogun State Legal Adviser for Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) expressed appreciation to the government in considering the committee as stakeholders in fights against human rights abuse

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