
People with disabilities cry to Governor Abiodun over dilapidated recreational centre in ogun state

The Joint National Association of Persons With Disabilities (JONAPWD), Ogun State Chapter has passionately appealed to the state government to come to their rescue over their dilapidated recreational centre , which parts of the roof have already caved in

Penpushing reports that, the centre commissioned and named after the first lady, Justice Fati Abubakar is located within the premises of the Ministry of Works and Housing, along Presidential Boulevard, Abeokuta.

The association members who held the 2022 International Day of Persons With Disabilities under the caved in building made the call on Saturday, stressing that the recreational centre needs total hauling and rehabilitation before it finally collapsed to its foundation

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that, Chairman of the association, Dr Michael Ebonhor drew the attention of this ugly development to Governor Dapo Abiodun in his speech at the ceremony, adding that virtually all internal fittings have been dismantled.

‘Our recreational centre should be completely renovated, it’s a place that has been serving our succoring avenue, and it was dismantled in the month of February this year on the account of renovation. It is saddened that only the roof was replaced, every other part including internal fittings remained dismantled without further attention’,Ebonhor said

Penpushing further reports that, the body in similar vein, pointed out that Ogun State Persons With Disabilities have continued to face negligence of the state government on the needed innovation to address the plights.

The association, therefore proposed  that there should be full implementation of Ogun State Law for People with Disabilities, to safeguard their rights, stressing that the state is the only in the South-West  without disability commission for the purpose of addressing their rights

‘There should be annual subvention, empowerment, skill and vocational training and provision of assistive devices, ICT equipment for effective job performance of Persons With Disabilities in Ogun State Public and Private Sectors’

‘The Health Insurance Scheme should be made accessible for Persons With Disabilities in the state at a subsidized rate. Provision of more inclusive schools and vocational rehabilitation centre to cater for People with Intellectual Disabilities

‘Provision of full educational scholarship for our members in tertiary institutions. Provision of learning materials and accessible books and environment for Persons With Disabilities in Ogun State Special and Mainstreaming Schools’

‘Provision of training and capacity building for Special Educators, Convetional Teachers and Health Workers with global best practices of providing inclusive learning and inclusive health services to Persons With Disabilities’

‘As to live a meaningful and purposeful life, there’s need for more employment of the graduates and employment of the less privileged persons with disabilities in the state towards self-reliance and to contribute our quota to societal development’

‘There should be observation of globally identified ceremonial date which is related to Persons With Disabilities such as: International Day for Persons With Disabilities, World White Cane and Safety Day for the Blind, World Wheelchair Day, World Leprosy Day, World Austism and Intellectual Disability Day, International Day for Sign Languages. This will go a long way to create public awareness

‘As the transport systems in the state are not accessible to Persons With Disabilities, especially those that are wheelchair bound, we requested for three(3) 18 sitters buses  for conveyance of Persosn with Disabilities in the state from places to places within the three senatorial districts of the state’

Creation of Disability Commission or Agency for data capturing of Persons With Disabilities in Ogun State. Appointment of Special Adviser on Disability Matters at State and Local Government levels towards effective attention to plights of Persons With Disabilities in the State’

Penpushing also reports that, the members emphasized that they humbly position themselves for Ogun State Government, Non-Governmental Organisations and Private Individuals to contribute their quota for actualization of the above mentioned challenges towards making the state a better place for living for them

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