
Penpushing Media has expanded frontiers of journalism profession, says former editor punch newspapers

A former Editor of Punch Newspapers and veteran journalist Alhaji Najeem Jimoh has admitted that Penpushing Media has expanded the frontiers of the journalism profession within five years of its operations.

Penpushing reports that Jimoh made this known in a congratulatory letter to the management and editorial board of the media outfit on its 5th year anniversary lecture held on Tuesday, July 25,2023 at Marquee events centre, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta.

‘I am joining in the national chorus that your pet dream Penpushing Media organisation has done very very  very well. In the past five years, you have expanded the frontiers of the profession beyond our expectations for a local media outfit’, Jimoh wrote.

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Penpushing further reports that the Vice-Chairman, The Point Newspapers pointed out that with this uncommon professional legacy, the organization has laid credence to the historical evidence that newspapering in Nigeria actually began from the beginning in Abeokuta, where operational headquarters of Penpushing Media is located

‘With this uncommon professional legacy, you have laid credence to the historical evidence that newspapering in Nigeria actually began from the beginning in Egbaland. The product of your daily outing which I delightfully monitor from various media reviews vigorously showcase the endeavors of both the government and the people of the state in the most professional and responsible way’.

Penpushing also reports that Jimoh who doubles as Chief Executive Officer of Citizen Radio 93.7 Abuja stated that Penpushing Media has shown the way on how best to deploy the digital and social media for positive ends rather than propagation of falsehood

‘You have therefore shown the way on how best to deploy the digital and social media for positive ends rather than the propagation of falsehood. While congratulating you again, I wish to implore you that the newspaper continues to reflect your legendary passion for the pen profession, the love of Ogun State, and an unflinching commitment to the best interest of our great country. Congratulations’, Jimoh emphasised

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