
Penpushing media congratulates Osoba on national honour of commander federal republic

The Management, Editorial Board of Penpushing Media and membership across the globe have congratulated journalism icon and former Governor of Ogun State Chief Olusegun Osoba on the conferment of the prestigious national award of the Commander of the Federal Republic,(CFR) on him

Penpushing reports the Board Chairman, Funke Fadugba in a congratulatory letter said the honour was most deserving, coming just months after the professional body, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), stood him (Osoba) out as an Icon of journalism practice.

‘On behalf of the entire membership, Board and Management of Penpushing Media, I write to congratulate you on the conferment of the prestigious national award of the Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic, CFR, on you’, the letter reads.

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‘It is an honour most deserving, coming just months after our professional body, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), stood you out as an Icon of journalism practice. This honour by the country is the icing on the cake of all the numerous awards, both traditional and professional, that have been bestowed on you’, Fadugba wrote.

‘Sir, this national honour is the nation’s recognition of your untiring progressive as well as patriotic contributions to nation-building, using your professional acumen as a journalist, politician and public administrator.

Penpushing further reports that the letter while admitting Osoba as a master reporter, a quintessential Journalist, pointed out that his legacies on all fronts that he has been opportune to serve have remained unparalleled and enduring.

‘Your legacies on all fronts that you have been opportune to serve have remained unparalleled and enduring. While congratulating you as a Master Reporter, a quintessential Journalist and the Akinrogun of Egbaland, we pray God to grant you the grace to wear the insignia of the award in good health and for many years ahead. You are indeed a leader and commander of many professional and traditional battalions.’ the letter emphasized

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