
Penpushing Media cautions Economic Community of West Africa States to strengthen diplomacy in handling Niger Republic crisis

The management of Penpushing Media, owner of Penpushing online newspapers and television has cautioned the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS), on need to strengthen diplomacy in handling the military takeover in Niger Republic, rather than introducing force to secure power back to the civilian government ousted by the coupists.

Penpushing reports that founder of the media outlet, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji gave the caution note while featuring as analyst on Fresh F.M Radio programme, ‘Polity and Governance’, on Saturday, stressing that a roundtable discussion would have been the best option to resolve the issues.

The military junta in Niger Republic led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani it is recalled sacked President Mohammed Bazoum from office, and in response to the development the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) gave 7-day ultimatum to the soldiers to handover power back to Bazoum.

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Penpushing further reports that the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) at the meeting held in Abuja, Nigeria’s Capital declared if the coupists failed to obey the directive, a military intervention will be introduced to also sack them,

The coupists in a television broadcast by the leader have, however, remained defiant and declared that they would not align with the directive, and also criticised sanctions imposed by West African leaders as illegal and inhumane.

Penpushing reports that, in reaction to the situation the journalist who is a member of International Press Institute(IPI), Nigeria Chapter on the radio programme, emphasized that the West Africa leaders should not use force to address force in the current circumstance but persuasive method

‘I think ECOWAS should be very diplomatic in terms of intervention because the spillover of that attack will not be palatable to, virtually every country in that region. If you use force against force, the end result will record number of casualties and ironically, the innocent will be most affected in this course because they’re helpless’, Kayode-Adedeji emphasised.

‘So, it is necessary for the ECOWAS to be diplomatic, there’s nothing wrong if they want to intervene but using force, it will be very dangerous. That is why the ECOWAS as well as the Nigerian government should be very cautious about that’, he added.

‘There’s nothing wrong if there is a roundabout discussion, they will persuade, if they persuade, they will get good result, but if they use force, I can tell you those guys are very deadly and they can go extra miles to cause more havoc’, he said.

Penpushing further reports that Kayode-Adedeji warned and cautioned that the spillover of such military intervention will not be to the best interest of any nation, rather it may claim lives of majorly innocent people

‘So, the spillover will not be in the interest of any nation in that region including Nigeria because even now, Nigeria has been targeted as arrowhead for that military intervention and you know what that means. I recalled that few days ago, there was a protest in Niger Republic attacking President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, it as good as saying that Nigeria is number one target of attack from the coupists’, Kayode-Adedeji said.

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