
Nigerian government to compensate families of slain soldiers with houses, scholarships

The Nigerian Government has announced plan to compensate the families of each of the slain 17 soldiers with a house in any part of Nigeria, as well as scholarships to all the children of the deceased up to the university level

Penpushing reports that President Bola Tinubu made this known on Wednesday at their funeral of the soldiers killed during a peace keeping mission in Okuama community of Delta State, and ordered that the military authorities must within the next three months ensure that all the benefits of the departed are paid to their families

The President reiterated his stance and urged community leaders to work with soldiers to ensure the perpetrators are apprehended, emphasizing that those who committed this heinous crime will not go unpunished.

Lush Arena

The military must, within the next ninety days, ensure that all the benefits of the departed are paid to their families. I want to make it clear, once more, that those who committed this heinous crime will not go unpunished. We will find them and our departed heroes will get justice’, Tinubu declared.

‘The elders and chiefs of Okuoma also have a duty to help the military in fishing out the gunmen who committed the barbaric crime against our men. I wish to also commend our Armed Forces for their restraint in choosing not to carry out any reprisal attacks in Okuoma or its neighbouring communities. We must all ensure that the innocent people of Okuoma are not made to bear the punishment of the guilty and wicked among them’, Tinubu said.

Penpushing further reports that the President expressed sorrow that those who went on peace mission to restore sanity and bring an end to hostilities between the two communities were brutally murdered.

‘They went as peacemakers and peacekeepers, seeking to bring an end to the hostilities between the two communities. They didn’t go with tanks, machine guns and other weapons. They were on a mission of peace.

‘The officers and soldiers who lost their lives that day were patriots, brave and noble men who gave their lives to defend and protect our nation against internal and external threats. To the entire armed forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I have a message for you: Do not let the death of your compatriots discourage you’, Tinubu said.

‘There is no higher honour than the vocation you have chosen to pursue. We cherish you. We cherish your labour of love. We salute your daily sacrifice in protecting your fellow citizens from danger. We acknowledge your sacrifices to defend our nation,” he said.

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