
Nigerian author, Biodun Lasile becomes kingmaker in Owu kingdom

An author and founder of educational foundation known as Sixth Sense, Abiodun Lasile will on Friday become member of kingmakers in Owu Kingdom of Abeokuta, as he put his feet into the shoes of his father as Orunto Owu, Abeokuta.

Penpushing reports that history has it that Orunto dropped the Ife title’s name of Obalufe (since he was no more in Ife) for Orunto and resumed responsibilities for commerce and financial management of the kingdom.

The records have it that in additional to the above roles, Orunto is also bona fide kingmaker, alongside with others on whose shoulders lie the mandate to select a new candidate for Owu stool in accordance with the prescribed declaration and local government and chieftaincy law.

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Penpushing further reports that the incoming Orunto has grown from a morsel to a humongous feed for humanity and has been elected to put his feet into the shoes of his father as Orunto Owu, in Owu kingdom of Abeokuta.

The selected Orunro is expected to give dedicated and honest service to Owu Kingdom with 100 per cent loyalty to Olowu, the Paramount Ruler of the ancient Owu Kingdom, Abeokuta, Oba Professor Saka Adelola Matemilola, Oluyalo I, Otileta VII.

Penpushing also reports that Lashile known to be effervescent and skilled, is literarily backgrounded with his tentacles spread in the public space that bearing no inherent human fallibility, his enduring tutelage for the traditional position in Owu during and after the life of his father will stand him stead on Orunto’s seat.

The ancient and contemporary history recognize Owu people as primus inter pares among the children or grandchildren of the legendary progenitor of the Yorubas – Oduduwa – as Ajibosin Asunkungbade, first son of Princess Iyunande, daughter of Okanbi, first son of Oduduwa, was granted, inter vivos, Oduduwa’s coveted Royal Crown.

Penpushing further reports that as spontaneous as the devolution of Oduduwa’s original crown to his grandson, Ajibosin Asunkungbade was, so also was the voluntary release of six Ife chiefs by Oduduwa to accompany Asunkungbade to his parents’ home with a royal order to cater and protect him.

‘The six chiefs were Akogun, the leader of the traditional Palace Guards, Omolaasin, Obalufe whose pseudonym was Orunto, Obamaja, Oyegaa and Osupori. In Ajibosin’s parent location, Akogun became the chief of security and defense, Omolaasin was a special career of Ajibosin’

‘Orunto dropped the Ife title’s name of Obalufe (since he was no more in Ife) for Orunto and resumed responsibilities for commerce and financial management of the kingdom. Obamaja became information officer extraordinaire, as a forerunner of Olowu, with his traditional insignia of ‘aaja’ a ceremonial rattle (hollowed metal with pendulum object) to announce the presence of Olowu and echoing the king’s message’.

‘While Oyegaa was responsible for chieftaincy affairs, Osupori administered local government and land matters. In addition to these traditional responsibilities of the chiefs, they are the bona fide kingmakers on whose shoulders lie the mandate to select a new candidate for Owu stool in accordance with the prescribed declaration and local government and chieftaincy law’.

‘In the contemporary Owu settlement in Abeokuta after their exit from their war-torn Orile Owu, not only have the Ruling Houses been increased from three to six, the kingmakers too have increased from six to eight with Olosii, the Ifa Priest, who, besides being the traditional spiritualist and guidance of the stool, becomes a kingmaker. So also the Balogun Owu, now accorded a political generalissimo position as Prime Minister in the Owu cabinet, is a kingmaker’.

‘A legendary Orunto of Owu in Abeokuta was Pa Simeon Orisabade Lasile of blessed memory. Pa Orisabade Lasile was a raconteur with endowed capacity to douse tension of any dimension in the palace; a noble wise-man whose character and mien placed him in the orbit of honour and respectability throughout his service as Orunto of Owu Abeokuta’.

‘He lived to witness in company of Obamaja, Lawyer Adejoju Adeyemi of blessed memory, the installation of the first Olowu from the Lagbedu Ruling House in Abeokuta in 1983. Today, Abodun Oladimeji a scion of Pa Orisabade Lasile has grown from a morsel to a humongous feed for humanity and has been elected to put his feet into the shoes of his father as Orunto Owu, Abeokuta’

‘Abiodun is literarily backgrounded with his tentacles spread in the public space that bearing no inherent human fallibility, his enduring tutelage for the traditional position in Owu during and after the life of his father will stand him stead on Orunto’s seat’.

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