


To   give  Ogun   State   focused   and   qualitative   governance   and   to   create   the   enabling environment for a public private sector partnership, which is fundamental to the creation of an enduring economic development and individual prosperity of the people of Ogun.

Lush Arena


Improve   Citizens   confidence   and   trust   in   government   through   transparent   and accountable leadership. Develop   and   enhance   the   value   chain   for   the   abundant   natural,   oil   and   mineral resources for the purpose of galvanizing  economic  and social development  of the Citizens of Ogun State.

 Improve   the   development   of   the   human   capital   through   greater   investment   in qualitative education, skill acquisition as well as entrepreneurship.  Improve the ranking of Ogun state on the local and global ease of doing business index so as to promote and encourage local and foreign direct investment in the state,  as our proximity and contiguousness to Lagos State must be taken advantage of to the fullest.

 Improve productivity, mobility, and connectivity through the provision of adequate physical road infrastructure across the State with particular emphasis on the rural areas. Work towards a higher level of prosperity, equity, fairness and justice for all.  Improve   the   provision   of   primary   health   care   to   ensure   availability   to   all   Ogun Citizens.

Provide at least one medical centre of excellence in each Senatorial District. Promote and sustain inter-ethnic/inter-religious harmony among the diverse peoples and cultures in the State.


My government shall provide good accountable governance through the provision of quality leadership to all. We shall through prudent, transparent and accountable leadership ensure that public resourcand   opportunities   are   made   available   to   all   our   citizens   in   order   to   ensure   they   have   a fulfilling livelihood. Our administration, as a basic purpose, shall provide the citizens of Ogun State good service.

Good Governance

Empower and strengthen the Local Government so they can carry out their statutory roles, functions, responsibilities effectively.  Ensure a civil service that is responsive and efficient.Improve the quality of service delivery and promote capacity building within the   public service.

Ensure the remittance of global deductions. Prioritize payment of gratuities for retirees. Develop affordable Housing Schemes for workers.


Motivate and incentivize the law enforcement agencies. Further encourage collaboration between government and the private sector to ensurethe funding and effective management of the Ogun State Security Trust Fund (STF). Ensure   all   the   police   divisions   and   area   commands   have   the   required   logistics including   operational   vehicles   and   communication   equipment   to   discharge   their duties. Establish Ogun State Neighbourhood Safety Agency to complement Police efforts

Economic Development

Our  Strength is   in Location,   Land, Natural   Resources  and Human  Resources. Our plan:

Create enabling environment to make Ogun State a choice investment destination for both local and foreign investors. Ensure   transparency   and   accountability   and   increase   revenue   collection,   whilst increasing capital expenditure. Create industrial parks strategically located in different parts of the state that will  provide 24hrs uninterrupted electricity supply.Develop cottage industries under a business assistance scheme in all local government areas.


Ogun   state   is   the   nation’s   educational   capital   with   the   highest   number   of   tertiary institutions – ten of which are state owned – and the State has, for ages, had comparative advantage in education. As a way of protecting the unprecedented and proud legacy, our   government   will   continue   to   invest   heavily   in   education   and   increase   budget allocation on yearly basis for the sector to meet the 26% UNESCO benchmark.

Our plan: Implement   the   Universal   Basic   Education   Act   and   ensure   free   universal   basic education for all children of primary and junior secondary ages. Improve   the learning   environment of students and renovate schools and teaching facilities where required and build new schools where necessary. Prioritize the welfare of teachers to ensure the best brains are attracted and retained in the system.

Prioritize   Teacher   education   by   increasing   funding   for   all   tertiary   institutions especially Tai Solarin University of Education. Emphasize   the   promotion   of   Science   and   Technical   education   in   our   secondary schools. Make compulsory, ICT education in Secondary Schools. Introduce special education curriculum in some selected schools.


 Primary health care is the foundation of all health-related matters, consequently, we   shall pay attention to, and ensure we provide a health care system that gives our citizens easy access to quality healthcare.  Refurbish,   equip   and   upgrade   existing   Primary   Health   Centres   (PHC)   to   ensure adequate   health   delivery   for   all.   Where   necessary   additional   PHCs   will   be constructed.

 Create a Centre of Excellence in Health in each Senatorial District. Provide free healthcare for all children under the age of 6 years. Introduce a community based Health Insurance Scheme in rural areas. Reduce the Doctor-Patient ratio and provide state-of-the-art modern equipment and facilities and infrastructure in our State-owned hospitals. Register, license and train traditional medical practitioners to ensure safe service.


Agriculture is a means of sustenance for our people, and also a means of providing employment for our youth. Therefore we will: Create farm settlements that will employ state-of-the-art mechanized farm equipment for open farming and green house farming. Promote the agricultural value chain in many of the abundant food and cash crops grown across the state


Equitable distribution of infrastructural facilities to the three senatorial districts for sustainable   development   with   involvement   of   local   content   professionals   to   enhance economic opportunities is imperative.  Prioritize maintenance of existing roads.  Pursue construction of rail connections to Lagos to ensure proper integration of our transport systems.


Olumo Rock may be the most popular tourist destination in Ogun State but there are several other tourist attractions across the Gateway State. Transform the State’s tourism potentials into an economically viable sector attracting both local and foreign visitors by creating a Creative Arts and Entertainment village among others.

To   encourage   intra-Nigeria   leisure   travel,   provide   hospitality   developments   and supporting infrastructure. Encourage   Business   and   Conference   Tourism   and   market   ourselves   as   a   cost- effective, yet exotic locale, where corporate objectives can be met in a rejuvenating setting. Encourage and provide incentives to the major international hotel brands which are  looking to build more midscale brands and in secondary locations to come to Ogun State


Ogun State is strategically located with a network of gas pipelines traversing the state.The provision of uninterrupted power supply is a top agenda of our administration and is the driver of manufacturing and the ease of living. In partnership with the private sector provide IPP (hydro and gas powered) across the state provide electricity under our “LIGHT UP OGUN” plan. Ensure  that Ogun   state benefits from   the   rural electrification   plan of   the   Federal Government.

All towns and villages shall benefit from our “WATER FOR OGUN” scheme. This entails   the rehabilitation and expansion   of   the   present water supply schemes   and construction of motorized/non-motorized boreholes in partnership with local/foreign multilateral agencies.

Oil and Gas

Develop the potential we have in the oil and gas sector by encouraging international investors and partnering with NNPC in the award of mining leases and encouraging required investments in Olokola and Tongeji Islands. Bring the OK LNG back on stream by engaging the federal government and creating the enabling environment. Resuscitate the Olokola Deep Sea port project in partnership with local and foreign investors. This will open access to our state and the multiplier effect on our economy.

Commit to the development and optimization of all mineral resources including, but not limited to Limestone, Chalk, Phosphates, and Clay.  Ensure a more investor friendly environment and simplify perfection of land titles.

Social Welfare

We shall be committed   to   the   protection   of fundamental   human   rights, pay attention   to recreational facilities, provide welfare for the populace and enhance the standards of living by providing essential social services.

 Women *

Women are key agents for development. They play a catalytic role towards achievement of   transformational   economic,   environmental   and   social   changes   required   for sustainable development while rural women play a key role in food production, form a large   proportion   of   the   agricultural   work   force,   support   their   households   and communities in generating income, and improving rural livelihoods and overall well- being. “Ok’owo Dapo” initiative will be sustained and institutionalized in conjunction with cooperatives

Initiate women empowerment programs according to the identified needs of different groups. Improve maternal health care provision and provide quality integrated and sustainable Primary Health Care services to the women in the reproductive age group and young children. Work with established institutions to improve financial inclusion for women. Work to protect the rights of women and formulate policies for the stability of the family and by extension the larger society.

Children *

Children are the most important assets of our state. They need to be nurtured and cared for in their tender and vulnerable ages to enable them become healthy and productive citizens.  Despite recent progress in many parts, too many children live in poverty and are deprived of their most elementary rights. Provide quality integrated and sustainable Primary Health Care services to young children with special focus on immunization. Help reduce the numbers of out-of-school children with our free education program. Provide adequate recreational facilities for children.

 The Aged

The   growing   number   of   older   people   has   implications   for   social   and   economic development of the state and we will work to secure a dignified old age for everyone. Focus on geriatric health education, retirement and pre-retirement education. With the involvement of non-governmental organizations, provide assistance to old people who have no traditional support systems like immediate family members. Establish   old   peoples’   day   care   institutions   with   facilities   for   learning,   enjoying  leisure, and recreation in urban areas where the elderly may be alone for long hours.Make payment of pensions a priority.

The Disabled

 Social protection plays a key role in realizing the rights of persons with disabilities of all ages:  Provide vocational and academic training that will enable disabled persons become employable. Ensure an adequate standard of living; reduce levels of poverty and vulnerability.  Provide in all new public and government, facilities for disabled access. Disabled access will be incorporated into existing buildings wherever possible. Give qualified people with disability priority employment in the state civil service. Ensure proper rehabilitation of destitute persons.


Young people are central   members of society.  The United Nations defines youth as people between the ages of 15 and 25. Consequently, young people’s participation in economic, political and community life is essential to facilitating social and economic development,   challenging   social   norms   and   creating   innovations   that   lead   to development for everyone.  Increase funding, access and infrastructural resources for vocational and literacy centers.  Institute   workforce   training   programs   for   economically-disadvantaged   young   adults   that focus   on   sectors   with   jobs   in   high   demand   including   information   technology   and   the agricultural value chain.

Increase   funding   for   school   sports;   and   establish   viable   grassroots   sports   development schemes for recreation and competition purposes. Encourage membership of, and active participation in societies like Boys Scout, Girls Guide,   Red Cross, Drama Club to help raise socially conscious young adults.


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