

‘I urge you to keep the flag flying and continue to tread the path of honour, recognition and greatness. As I have said earlier, as a Government and Administration in Ogun State, we will continue to implement people-friendly policies, decisions and other welfare programmes that will better the lot of our work force.

‘ Let me seize this opportunity to state that, as the electioneering is fast approaching, I urge you not to downplay the provisions of the Public Service Rule and other extant laws. As law-abiding citizens, continue to exercise your Civic rights and duties in line with the provisions of Constitution and purge yourselves of fifth columnists whose only mission is to lead us on the path of ignominy and unnecessary confrontation’.

‘I admonish our Civil Servants to leave politics to politicians alone. To do otherwise is neither always tidy nor pleasant. As a major player in the economy, we all know that industrial harmony can only take place in an atmosphere of peace, cooperation and understanding.

Lush Arena

It is, therefore, important that all of us as stakeholders should continue to work together and play our parts in our ‘Mission to Re-build’ Ogun State. While craving for more understanding, loyalty and cooperation, we equally assure you that, you will never be disappointed and left out in our resolve to spread round the dividends of democracy to all segments of the society’.

‘Let me also note that we are back in the season of Minimum Wage negotiation. Employers can only pay according to their ability – Ability is dependent on Workers’ productivity. Productivity flows from capacity. It is clearly simple logic that capacity development is the fundamental platform for Workers’ reward and general welfare.

‘Any other approach is putting the cart before the horse. A higher Minimum Wage without corresponding fiscal capacity of the employer remains an academic exercise. It is my wish that the energy and passion that fuel the agitation for Minimum Wage could be channelled into productivity matters of capacity development’.



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