

‘Although Government cannot be 100% perfect, because no matter how it can be, there will still be some lapses on the side of the government but all what am saying is that am ready to move forward the legacies of Governor Abiola Ajimobi will leave behind”

Eniade who was the former Head of Service of Oyo State stated that one of the key driver that propels any nation economy all over the world is consistent policy from one government to another

“Although policy formulation remain one of the most critical aspect of governance, but policy consistency is the major bedrock for sustainable advancement that allows from uninterrupted human capital development”

Lush Arena

He highlighted some of his key driven point which will help him in his ambition to govern the State and move forward so has to push the legacies of Governor Ajimobi’s forward such as technology and creative industry development which will guide, encourage and support the youth to embrace, explore and express their abilities and idea, industrialisation through infrastructural development that will bring maximum to our opportunity for the benefit of all, socio-economic development which is the bedrock to consolidate and achieve progressive in key areas such as health, urban development, civil service, rural evolvement, security and education, women and girls empowerment that will protect the girls child from various abuses

The aspirant urged the people of the state to support his ambition by voting him into power in 2019 gubernatorial election so that they can enjoy the fullness of democracy and the good legacy Ajimobi will leave behind

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