
Hours after Akeredolu’s burial, Aiyedatiwa declares interest in governorship race

Barely few hours after burial of his boss, Rotimi Akeredolu on Friday, who died at 67, Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa, has formally declared his intention to contest the governorship election come November this year.

Penpushing reports that Aiyedatiwa who took over power after the demise of his predecessor to complete the deceased term, made his declaration to contest his own term of governorship race to the government in forthcoming elections in the state

The Governor emphasized that he would wish to contest and win the forthcoming election as required by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for one more term, while he is, however, expected to win his party, All Progressives Congress (APC) ticket to represent the party at the poll

Lush Arena

“Definitely, I will be running because I am already a sitting governor. And let me say this that nobody wants to be governor for one year. Give me what the constitution allows me to do, at least, let me have a chance of also running for one more term as it were’, he said.

Penpushing further reports that Aiyedatiwa denied that he had any conflict with the Akeredolu before his death, pointing out that it was a few individuals in the state, driven by their ambition, who caused the crisis in the state.

” Let me put this straight for the record sake, I never had issues with my former principal, there was no time we had a face off, there was no time we had an issue that will demand that I have to make up with him’, Aiyedatiwa explained.

” All that were being pushed out at a time were basically political; they were all falsehood and insinuations because election was coming and they knew the governor was so sick and a lot of things were at play’, he added.

Penpushing also reports that the Governor reacting to the open letter written by five members of the House of Representatives from Ondo state to the President, said the members had a right to air their views.

‘Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion. That is just an opinion of some people that are so driven by ambition. If you look at the profile of those five members of the House of Representatives, they have individual aspirants they are supporting in the upcoming election’, he stated.

‘So, all of them have their own ambition who they want to be governor. That is an unprogressive position and the party has actually responded that there was no crisis in the party, that they are not at loggerheads with me’, he said.

Penpushing reports that it is recalled that the Governor had earlier kept his ambition close to his chest until Friday when Akeredolu’s burial rites were concluded, a pronouncement which now put and end to speculations about his ambition

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