
Governor Fubara relocates Rivers state house of assembly to government house

The Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara has ordered an immediate relocation of the legislative business of the state House of Assembly to Government House in Port Harcourt, while this is coming as political crisis has continued to deteriorate despite President Tinubu’s intervention last year.

Penpushing reports that the order was issued by the Governor barely 24 hours after Victor Oko-Jumbo, a lawmaker loyal to the governor emerged as a new factional speaker of the assembly and a few hours after hours after a High Court in the state barred the pro-Wike speaker and 24 other lawmakers from parading themselves as members of the assembly.

The complex which housed the Rivers state house of assembly was demolished last year after a section of it was set ablaze in the aftermath of a failed attempt to remove the governor from office, while the latest development on relocation of the assembly is contained in the state’s official Gazette, Executive Order of the Rivers State Government 001-2023.

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‘That on 29 October 2023, a fire incident occasioned by unknown persons burnt and damaged the hallowed chambers of the Rivers State House of Assembly. That the Hallowed Chamber of the Rivers State House of Assembly in its present state is unsafe and constitutes a threat to the lives of the staff and the Honourable members of Rivers State House of Assembly and thus not conducive for the business and proceeding of the Rivers State House of Assembly’, the gazette reads.

‘That it is expedient to carry out urgent repairs, renovation, and reconstruction of the burnt and damaged chambers of the Rivers State House of Assembly. That it is further reasonable to ensure that the business and proceedings of the Rivers State House of Assembly are not impeded and frustrated’, it added.

“Now therefore, I, Mr Fubara the Governor of Rivers State this 30th day of October 2023, Pursuant to the powers vested in me under the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) hereby issue, order, and direct that all proceedings and business of Rivers State House of Assembly shall temporarily take place at the Auditorium, Admin Block, Government House, Port Harcourt until the repairs, renovation or reconstruction of the chambers of the Rivers State House of Assembly are completed’, the Governor declared

Penpushing further reports that the order also came a few days after Fubara declared that Rivers State had no functional House of Assembly and a day after he visited the legislative quarters where the pro-Wike lawmakers were holding sitting.

Meanwhile, it is glaring that relocation and other related events that happened before it have further worsened the already hostile relationship between Fubara and the loyalists of the immediate past Governor.

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