


 Chief Olusegun Osoba, Ex-Governor of Ogun State.‎

Sincerely speaking, in the last one year of my keen observation since the debut and activities of Penpushing, I’ve truly witnessed how social media can tremendously be used for series of progressive purposes, essentially germane ideas for the development of our dear country.

Lush Arena

No doubt, there are myriad of channels of communication to source for news, basically in the social media, but Penpushing has shown outstanding performance, particularly as the platform to source and read for credible news, including scoop and on the spot report of events around the globe.

With this sterling performance, definitely I am not in doubt why Penpushing has been able, and continue, to attract eminent personalities who daily glued to this channel of communication for credible news.

In fact, the array of people of diverse professional callings, who are members of this platform, is a clear manifestation of the image that Penpushing has carved for itself over the quality of news being regularly disseminated on this social media outlet.

Therefore, at one year of its existence, I’ll wish the initiator of Penpushing, Prince Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji, not to lower the standard, but to improve on the quality of news being provided for the subscribers of the platform.  Equally, I wish the participants well as they strive daily to read credible news on Penpushing.

Otunba Gbenga Daniel (Former Governor, Ogun State)

I join others in congratulating The Penpushing Family (administrators and participants) on the celebration of one year anniversary of a very dynamic and information-laden forum.

I must sincerely praise the efforts of the originator of the loop, Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji who has proven to be a resourceful, exploratory and an all-around journalist overtime. The membership of the forum attests to his high-wire network of friends which cut across all boarders comprising professionals with diverse interests but united in the spirit of enlightening,  educating, moulding and mentoring others where need be.

The Penpushing is a loop one cannot afford to miss with regards to the insightful, rational and cerebral submissions on myriads of subject matters usually discussed. It really gladdens my heart to have been part of the family for the ample opportunity given me to learn, discover and contribute my little quota outside of office to the rainbow discussions generated on daily basis. I must also add that it gave me another window to explain the reasons behind some of my actions and inactions while in office. I believe this is one of the obligations which some of us who have had the opportunity to be in public office owe to the teeming populace out there by learning from the feedback as a guide for future actions. To this end, I heartily rejoice with the family and pray for celebration of many more exciting years ahead.

Prof Tope Popoola

The birth of Penpushing was like an adventure which turned out to be a worthy adventure. It is a dream comes true for all the stakeholders. Within a year, the platform has turned out to be a veritable source of information. It is a platform for critical analysis of community, national and international events. The uniqueness of Penpushing is in the array of people it parades. Pen pushing is obviously the best online platform I belong to for its information content and discussions. I must commend the initiators and the administrators for their determination to ensure that the goals of the platform is adhered to. I sincerely reckon that Penpushing will go places.

Commodore Kayode Olofinmoyin (Former Military Administrator, Ogun State)

Penpushing Platform starting on a low key level a year ago as a source of news dissemination to the Nigerian public has become ‘ a must read news outlet today’. It’s growth has been phenomenal consequent upon the high integrity of the Originator and it’s Management. The professional standard is high and should be maintained. Uncompromising discipline to keep its news contributors to remain within the professional focus and objective is commendable. The very many eminent Nigerians onboard sharing and supporting the aspirations of the Platform is a confirmation of the trust they have in its Management and this must not be compromised.

Finally I wish you a happy anniversary.


Chief Femi Shodunke (Publisher, GatewayMail newspaper, Toronto, Canada)

Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji has redirected journalism through Penpushing as reliable platform for accessibility to credible news, both at home and abroad.

Indeed, the gathering of professional glitterati within the Nigerian community to dissect issues of national significance on Penpushing is uniquely outstanding.

And for me to be part of the movement for progressive change on this news platform as one of the administrators is pretty much awesome and exhilarating.

Finally and significantly, as a diasporan based in fawaway Canada, Penpushing has connected me to my home (Nigeria) and it has given me utmost hope that there are sincere and genuinely committed Nigerians who are ready to give their utmost best to ensure a better society that cares for its citizens and make the country compete with other advanced nations of the world.

Penpushing is credible and it’s a place to be. Congratulations to Dimeji and all participants on this maiden anniversary.

Otunba Rotimi Paseda (ORP)

Founder, Paseda Legacy Foundation

Penpushing:  It started like a candle light that flickers at the blow of the wind, but it kept burning and snowballed to a wildfire that could only watched with admiration.

Penpushing, is a platform on which credible news happenings are being shared and discussed as they break and because it is a medium of probity I have from the onset been a part of the family and have occasionally on the platform pushed-my-pen too.

Congratulations on the first anniversary and I hope the standards will be stringently maintained.

Apostle Lawrence Achudume (General Overseer Victory Life Bible Church)

PENPUSHING in a short time has been turned into a bazaar, a banquet of information where everyone is sure of a good piece of authentic and balanced news around the world and especially in our proximity. To me and probably many others, it is an information pool and a reservoir of knowledge. I heartily commend and congratulate the founder and administrators of this novel platform as you celebrate one year of operation. I wish you God’s grace and peace and many more years of information dissemination.

Soji Ganzallo(Commander Ogun State Vigilante Services)

Let me congratulate you Dimeji and the management of the Pen pushing platform on the 1st anniversary of the existence of the platform. It is a wonderful initiative, provision of the information and credible news, the most disciplined platform I have ever seen with membership that cut across various disciplines of worthy and credible Nigerians across the globe. If you want credible news and information, then penpushing platform is your automatic choice. Kudos brother,, wish you more successes as you journey on in your chosen career.

Once again congratulations.

Lanre Ogundipe(Former President, Nigeria Union of Journalists)


 To be a success in journalism field requires a strong will to make a difference to impact positively on your immediate society. That’s not end, it’s equally demanding that you must be creative in bringing about new ideas/ideals that may seems impossible to be real to become real.  That is the experience the founder of Penpushing had fostered on us in the last 365 days.

However, with this opening statement I am of the view that the brain behind the forum did not envisage the platform within this short period of time would become an household name that would house people/professionals from all works of life who have no stint with journalism to see how the trade conducts its business without borders. I dare say many of the participants on the platform may have realized that journalists are not busy bodies who nose around as gossipers but strictly working to fulfill the mandate bestowed on them by their calling. The critics have also identify how difficult it is to understand the underlined factors the inhibit the free flow of information, when our platform administrations starts “bulling” from all corners on the need to conform with the rules. I want to also place on records that the legal practitioners, and other professional members now appreciates the conflict media men run into in the discharge of the onerous task of educating, informing and entertaining the public better.

But platform members kindly permit me to raise an issue while we celebrate the first anniversary of the group. This group if we all resolve could serve as a catalyst to a very viable movement that could lead

this country out of the doldrums. A strong people’s movement with a well laid focus agenda of transformation. Please I am not talking of political platform or party but a vehicle to generate lofty ideas for a real change. Having said this, Comrade  Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji deserved to be applauded for his well thought out dream on Penpushing media. This man Ijesa, I know quite well if you ask him at the start he never takes this project as a serious one but just to have something that look like a play group but midway it dawn on him that the project can become another Facebook to bring people of all race together. On this, I salute him. And to all our admin, well done. As a Yoruba man, o ku ni Ibon ndun literally translate the sound of a gun tells you there’s more.

Engr. Dideolu Falobi, FNSE, MIoD, (Managing Director/CEO, Kresta Laurel Limited)

When Dimeji added me to Penpushing, and he read out the objectives and rules of the platform, I had 2 concerns: If he would be able to manage the platform and ensure the rules are strictly enforced given the caliber of people on the platform; If non-journalists like me would be accepted and discriminated against by the real pen-pushers. It is a credit to all members in general and the Administrators in particular that the platform has grown from strength one year later.

This platform has surely become a credible and respected platform where authentic news and robust news analysis take place. This has become the place where politics, race, ethnicity and such inanities have no room.

I seize this opportunity to congratulate all Penpushers on this occasion of our 1st anniversary.  I also charge us to use this celebration as a stepping stone into becoming a change agent for the nation.

Once again, Congratulations.


Prof Oye Ibidapo-Obe: (Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos)

Congratulations for pulling together a 1st class set of professionals that sets and adhere strictly to rules of engagement. I commend the initiator for the laudable vision. The platform has within 365 days of establishment become a household name in authentic news dissemination‎ across the world. I am proud to be part of the success story.

Barrister Adefoyeke Adedeji:

Congrats for putting together this great platform of Professional Elites. I pray that it rise to greater heights and am proudly associated…

Ola Animasaun

One cannot but CELEBRATE the PLATFORM generally, and the FANTASTIC ADMINISTRATORS and in particular, founder of this laudable platform which has remained the best social media network across the globe.

Benjamin Ogunmodede (Erudite legal Practitioner)

The conception of Penpushing idea is commendable in the first place. It started about a year ago. The initiator, Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji is a Guru and Doyen in Journalism. He is an investigative Journalist. Always a goal-getter. The platform itself in the last one year is News personified. What a credible, focused, reliable, genuine and authentic news forum. It is a no nonsense Platform, well regulated and highly controlled to maintain and retain its reliability and authenticity. Please keep flying, as sky is the limit. I commend the founder/Administrators as well as eminent personalities and members for their educative, enlightened and genuine news in the last one Year. I say Happy anniversary and accept my hearty felicitation on this occasion. Thank you all and God Bless!

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