3. Without mincing words, our dear State has continued to break barriers and open up new frontiers in terms of our socio-economic development programmes. The staunch support of our good people, who have continued to show impeccable understanding towards all our policies and programmes, has been the impetus behind the achievements of our Administration. B gngfAvailable records show that Ogun State has attracted 75% share of the total foreign direct and local investments in the manufacturing sector in Nigeria in the last three years. As at the last count, we have been able to attract over 140 new industries, who have individually invested between a minimum of $200million and in excess of $2billion in some instances. Just last August, our Administration, commissioned a $250million International Breweries Plant in Sagamu. The Plant is the largest investment of the ABInBev Group in Africa, outside of South Africa. All of these investments are in addition to the existing businesses in our dear State whose investments are continually growing and expanding.
4. With this reality, even our ardent critics will agree that we have continued to reap bountiful harvest in all areas of our “5-Cardinal Programme”. Our indices indicate more of our children are in school and are competing favourably with their counterparts in other parts of the world; our people are healthier; we are more secure; old businesses continue to thrive while new investments are opening. What this means is that more direct and indirect jobs have been created; poverty has been greatly reduced; and, we have greater food security. In simple terms, the quality of life has become better for our people. And, we cannot thank our people enough for trusting us to lead this journey.
5. Having gone this far in our successful partnership, and as our Administration enters its twilight days, it behoves on all of us to ensure that we strengthen this working relationship and build on the positive trajectory we have embarked upon, not only to sustain our programmes until the end of our tenure, but also to serve as the solid foundation for continued socio-economic development of our dear State. It is on this note, that I join others to specially welcome you all to yet another Town Hall Meeting, which is essential for the consideration of the 2019 Budget.
6. For us in Ogun State, our budgetary process is not complete without a Town Hall Meeting. It is through the platform of the Town Hall Meetings that our Administration has continued to synergize with the good people of Ogun State to come up with people-oriented programmes and projects for the good of the people and the continued development of our dear State.
7. Let me say that this particular Town Hall Meeting is significant as it is the last to be hosted by our Administration before the end of our tenure. Therefore, all hands must, as usual, be on deck to see that the successes we have jointly achieved are sustained until the end of our tenure, and beyond.
8. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, permit me to share that the main objective of our ‘‘5-Cardinal Programme’’, as enshrined in our ‘‘Mission to Rebuild’’ our dear State, is particularly to improve the lot and increase the standard of living of our dear people. Apart from the continued commitment of our Administration towards bringing the impact of good governance to the good people of Ogun State, we strongly believe that governance should be a participatory process. Delivering the Ogun State of our dreams will require the inputs of all; It is our belief that the people should have a say on issues that concern them and they should, therefore, be allowed to take their rightful place in the governance process. This, we have continually demonstrated by taking the preparation of the budget for each fiscal year of our Administration from the grassroots, particularly by the hosting of the Town Hall Meetings.
9. At this point, let me assure that we will continue to foster a healthy partnership with our good people and all other stakeholders in the implementation of our policies and programmes. In fact, the successes recorded in education, infrastructure, security and economic affairs are notable indications of the symbiotic relationship that we have been able to foster over the last seven and a half years. I am assuring you, therefore, that we will remain unwaveringly committed in our service towards improving the lots of our people and the development of our dear State.
10. As we are all gathered, here, today, I want to urge all of us to come up with useful recommendations necessary for successful preparation and implementation of the 2019 Budget. By doing this, we will not only increase the achievements of the last seven and a half years of our Administration, but will take our dear State to the desired height.
11. Once again, I crave your continued support, cooperation and understanding which this 2019 Budget Town Hall Meeting seeks to promote as we set on an irreversible journey to the Ogun State we all believe.
12. I thank you all for listening and God bless.