

‘What motivates me is the need to look after the welfare of my people which is lacking at the moment. I have seen the need to give my people (women and children) a loud voice in the House of Assembly so that their complaints could be heard and their need cared for’,the aspitant emphasized.

The Assembly hopeful who is on third attempt declared that she has all the qualification, knowledge and love for her people she intends to represent, pointing out that a woman has not occupy the position from her constituency before, adding that she is the most popular aspirant from the constituency.

Lush Arena

She disclosed that having being in politics for over fifteen years, she is not a novice in the game, and if elected would do her utmost best to turn around Odogbolu constituency to become relevant in government and governance.

On her choice of Peoples Democratic Party(PDP),the economist turned politician said, she believe and was convinced about the policy of the party, stressing that she was optimistic that, the crisis within the party would soon be permanently resolved



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