
Atiku’s legal tussle: America court agrees Chicago State University can withhold Tinubu’s academic records

A United States of America (USA) court has ordered delaying the execution of an earlier order to the Chicago State University to release the academic records of President Bola Tinubu to Atiku Abubakar, the Presidential Candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)

Penpushing reports that a judge of the District Court of Northern Illinois, Eastern Division, Justice Nancy Maldonado, on Thursday at an emergency meeting agreed to delay an order requiring Chicago State University to provide the academic documents of Tinubu.

The  court order has brought  a reprieve to the Chicago State University and Tinubu in their fierce efforts to convince the court against ordering the release of the requested documents, while on the other hand, the ruling amounts to a setback for Atiku in his frantic bid to use the documents in support of his ongoing legal challenge of Tinubu’s victory in the 25 February election  as pronounced by election petition tribunal.

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Penpushing further reports that it is recalled that President Bola Tinubu had filed the emergency motion to halt Chicago State University (CSU) from releasing his academic records to Atiku, as eagerly needed by the opposition party flagbearer.

The Magistrate Judge of United States of America (USA) court, Jeffrey Gilbert had earlier in the week ordered the Chicago State University to release all relevant and non-privileged documents to Atiku within two days.

Penpushing also reports that in swift response Tinubu through his lawyers during their emergency meeting prayed the court to delay the implementation of that order and requested a review of the magistrate judge’s decision by a district judge until at least Monday, 25 September, 2023.

The magistrate judge, Justice Nancy Maldonado, however, on Thursday granted the request, and ordered the lawyers on both sides to file additional arguments by next Thursday, 28 September, 2023, and being mindful of legal deadlines in the Nigerian Supreme Court, Maldonado assured that she would rule as quickly as possible after that.

“I will have a busy weekend. The issue is of process and rules. I’m a rule person; that’s why I’m a judge. This case is quite involved. I am aware of the stakes. It’s more important to me to get this right’, she was quoted saying.

Penpushing reports that it is on record that Atiku, a strong political opposition of Tinubu had alleged that documents showing that Tinubu graduated from Chicago State in 1979 are not authentic, arguing that, that was enough ground to nullify Tinubu’s victory at the poll.

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