

“It is a challenge for us in Yorub land if we forget our culture and tradition, let us teach our children Yoruba culture and tradition, there is a different between religion and culture, don’t be ashamed to dress in Yoruba attires, our culture should even reflect in the way we eat.”

The first class monarch while speaking on the importance of the World Sango Festival describes Sango as one of the Alaafin of Oyo before he later becomes a deity, saying that Sango possessed the ability of fighting his opponent without physical encounter.”

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that, Alaafin noted that the beauty of this festival is for the promotion of Yoruba culture and heritage, adding that people should start teaching their children Yoruba language in their different homes and schools.

The monarch  pointed out that research has shown that someone cannot be fluent in speaking English without good knowledge of Yoruba language, adding that Yoruba language is been taught in over 26 Universities in America, ‘so, there is a need for us to take our culture very serious.’

Penpushing also reports that in his remark, the Oyo State Commissioner for Information, Culture, and Tourism, Dr. Wasiu Olatubosun noted that the Sango festival is celebrated not only in Oyo State, but all over countries of the world, and that is why some foreign nationals attended the Sango festival.

The Commissioner  pointed out that the Sango festival is done every year in remembrance of the impact of Alaafin Sango as one of the Alaafin’s and also as a deity, adding that Sango will forever be remember as far as Yoruba land is concern.

“By next year, the state government will have promoted this festival to be included in one of the UNECO program and celebrated as that one of Osun/Oshogbo festival, Sango is one of the most celebrated in the world.”

Penpushing reports that,Olatubosun urged the people to always promote Yoruba culture and tradition so that Yorub land can move forward, adding that Yoruba’s should always associate and rally around their culture.

“Our culture should be celebrated more than that in of the Western world, let us all go back home and teach our children our culture because there is a difference between religion and culture”, he said

The Commissioner, however called on the people of Oyo State to cooperate and support the Governor of the State, Engr. Seyi Makinde to promote Yoruba culture and heritage in the state.

Penpushing also reports that one of the Sango worshippers in Brazil, who was also at the event, Marli Olubunmi, a Brazilian who married to Nigeria said that although there are other Orisas been worshipped in Brazil, but Sango is very important to them

“This festival is a good experience, this my second time of attending this festival, we also worship and celebrate Sango in Brazil, but Brazilian over there don’t have idea that Sango is celebrated in an elaborate way like this, Alaafin also came to Brazil in 2014 to celebrate Sango festival with them, so it is interchange”

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