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Achudume tasks Nigeria’s leadership on proactive measures to lessen economic burden in country

The General Overseer of Victory Life Bible Church(VLBC), Apostle Lawrence Achudume has passionately appealed to leadership of Nigeria to be proactive in introducing measures to bring succours to the citizens, as the economic crisis in the country continued to prevail.

Penpushing reports that Achudume made the appeal on Sunday in a sermon entitled “The Rise of the Josephs”, pointing out that the current situation of the nation’s economy has placed untold hardship on many Nigerians especially the less privileged who now find it difficult to make ends meet.

The clergyman stated that political office holders should come up with policies that will better the lots of the masses, pointing out that the hardship being faced by Nigerians would not have occurred if the government was sensitive to the plight of the people.

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Penpushing further reports that Achudume, a known frankly speaking cleric, equally noted that the world is going through both political and economic crisis and therefore frowned at the non challant attitude of the political class.

‘It appears that many political office holders are no longer concerned about the citizens. Politicians now make the masses slaves by removing their economic powers through policies that are not people-oriented”.

Penpushing also reports that he posited that Nigerians are suffering in the midst of the country’s abundant human and natural resources, noting that bad policies and lack of respect for humanity are responsible for the nation’s socio-economic challenges.

The General Overseer while urging government at all levels to do the needful, warned his colleagues on the pulpit not to collaborate with the political class to further put more burden on innocent citizens by compromising their messages.

‘God wants everyone to respect those in positions of authority, respect them, but focus on God because all you have at a time like this is God. You can get solutions to all challenges if you embrace God and look unto Him for divine assistance”, he said

Penpushing reports that Achudume quoting relevant scriptures from the Bible, informed that Joseph was made to pass through different storms in life by his haters but triumphed  and ruled with the wisdom of God as a political  leader in Egypt .

‘Joseph was hated, wrongly accused, persecuted and sent to prison, yet he did not defend himself but God showed up for him and made him the solution center of Pharaoh’s problems. As Christians, you are to make up your mind to trust God wholeheartedly at a time like this’, he added.

‘Sometimes your faith will fail, your faith will dwindle but remember the characteristics of God and be assured that the same God that took Joseph from the prison to the Palace will see you through the economic crisis in Nigeria’, Achudume emphasised.

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