
2023 poll: No other presidential candidate can match quality of Tinubu, says group

A Pressure group known as Progressive Volunteer for Tinubu/Shettima on Thursday declared the team led by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the Presidential Candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the forthcoming 2023 general elections has capacity and tenacity to save the county from the current faulty system.

Penpushing reports that, Ogun State Chapter of the body led by the Coordinator Deji Ogundimu made the declaration at a press conference in Abeokuta, emphasizing that, Tinubu remained best choice who has competence.

The coordinator said, it would be a dream of no reality for anybody to believe that any other candidate would outshine Tinubu in the forthcoming poll, stressing that the former Lagos State Governor possessed qualities and resources to right the wrongs in the country.

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“With his executive experience he gained while governing the commercials state, Lagos, will replicate it at the national level. I don’t want to underestimate the capacity or the intention of any aspirant. Like I said earlier, all the people that are contesting for the office of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria are credible Nigerians’, he said.

‘All of them have in one way or the other contributed to the development of this country but I keep saying and maintaining emphatically that none of them has the capacity, tenacity, and ability of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’.

“I believe if voted into office, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu with actions and resources will right the wrongs which are allowed by the faulty system we are currently running’, the group coordinator emphasised.

Penpushing further reports that, Ogundimu on controversy surrounding the  Muslim-Muslim ticket of the party,  said it was a ploy by some  political class to divide Nigerians for them not to have a straight thought on how to address basic issues in the country.

“It is rather unfortunate that due to the level of illiteracy and poverty in Nigeria, illiteracy has been weaponized to a large extent because the issue of religion is beginning to become a very big issue in recent times’, he said.

“I would want us to go back to 1979 to 1983 democratic dispensation. I want us to look into a particular state in southwest Nigeria. The southwest part of Nigeria is a mixture of Christian Yoruba except for the northern part of the country where we dominate a particular religion’, he stated.

“In Southwest Nigeria, there is nobody that would not say he/she has a Muslim cousin or a Christian relative. In Ondo State, we had the late Sir Michael AdeKunle Ajasin as governor of Ondo State and we also had the late Michael Omoboriowo as the deputy governor. In those days, what we were concerned about as Nigerians were performance and nobody is giving religion any serious thought’.

“Religious sentiment is what you just raised now and it is rather unfortunate that it is becoming more prominent in our political atmosphere today, religion in Nigeria today has become something very sensitive now to a very large extent.

“Politics, as we all know, is a game of numbers, in the wisdom of the All Progressives Congress, the party that is fielding Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, they know the person they believe would the needed vote for APC in the north in Senator Shettima, the vice presidential candidate, then let us have it.

“If it is not going to work, the APC would not decide to go that way and they kept appealing to Nigerians to make informed decisions when they are casting their votes to come 2023 and shun emotional sentiments.”

Penpushing reports that, Ogundimu, however, pointed out that a good leader can only be in office and performed creditably well  by the system that he or she meets on the ground, boasting that Tinubu has magic wand to perform well.

“We all know the type of magic the alliance of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has done in the accession of President Muhamodu Buhari at Aso Rock.  It is rather unfortunate that at this very particular time, most of the benefits and good works of the APC, the ruling political party in Nigeria have been doused by the level of other negativity that is surrounding this government’.

“The statement that the economic performance of the APC is non- impressive, I would say it is relative, relative in the sense that no government has gotten her 100% pass mark from her citizenry unless we are in a dictatorship. So the statement that the APC government is not making enough effort for the economy is a matter of a cup that is being filled by two different parties, it is either you see the cup half full or half empty’.

Penpushing further reports, Ogundimu, however, dismissed the social media speculations that Tinubu is not healthy for the presidential position, explaining that politics or governance are not done or run on social media.

“Politics or governance is not done or run on social media. We have seen the voices and shenanigans going on, the blackmail and all. But I don’t want to believe that any one of us at this particular time still takes social media as a serious platform.  Anyone with evidence that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is not medically fit should present it. He is mentally and medically fit to lead Nigeria”

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