
Women group lobbies federal lawmaker-elect on women relevance in governance

A Non-Governmental Organisation, 100 Women Lobby Group has called on House of Representatives elect, representing Abeokuta South Federal Constituency, of Ogun State Hon Afolabi Afuape to use his wealth of experience in making case for the betterment of women at the national assembly.

Penpushing reports that the group made the appeal during an advocacy visit to the elected lawmaker at his private residence located in Akinolugbade area of Abeokuta South Local Government area of Ogun State

The team of four officials while congratulating Afuape over his victory in the recently concluded election explained that the primary aim of the advocacy visit was to encourage him in working towards relevance of women fold, in regards gender equity

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Penpushing further reports that the 100 Women Lobby Group pleaded with Afuape on objectives targeting equity of both genders in occupying key post in the society, gender justice and basically promoting an egalitarian society.

The body emphasized on the role political office holders and personalities of Afuape can play in achieving the vision and mission of the group and how their influence would propel an active law in women involvement in politics.

Penpushing also reports that Afuape  in response extended his gratitude over the goodwill message from the team and also commended the efforts and commitment of the Ogun 10 Women Lobby Group, appealing to them to give him time to study situations first, before he could act

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