

Also in his own remark, Chairman, Police Community Relations Committee(PCRC),Alhaji Ibrahim Olaniyan affirmed the dexterity of Iliyasu in combating crime, adding that he embraced community police to the fullest, and this has remain one major factor for his success.

He added that the committee has no regret working in partnership with the command under the commissioner, pointing out that his(Iliyasu) zero tolerance for crime and criminals were second to none, with further pledge that, the body will continue to support the command towards a joint fight against bandits

However, in his acceptance speech, Ahmed Iliyasu expressed appreciation to the Igbo community for the honour, and also profusely thanked all his guests who came from far and near to grace the occasion, with a pledge to make the title relevant as the meaning implies.

Lush Arena

The Agunaechmeba who was beaming with smiles throughout the ceremony also attributed success of his achievements to community policing, with the support of genuine residents of the state, who did not rest on their oars of supporting the command in fighting crimes and criminals

He further assured, that, the state will be crime free, stating that the command was adding value to the slogan of the state government,’Ogun Standard’, in ensuring that criminals are flush out from the state, stressing that, any criminals who plans to operate would always meet waterloo.

Penpushing further reports that, the venue was heighten up with sonorous music provided by the Police Music Band, as both the celebrants and his guests, were seen dancing to the melodious tunes, with wining and dining completed the show

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