

The Naval boss declared that Boko-Haram has been caged and cannot come out as a force except in some parts of the country, adding that security agencies are fighting them on daily basis to end their insurgency and terrorism in Nigeria.

“Security situation in Nigeria has changed, because insurgency and terrorism has been degraded compare to before where there were bomb explosions everywhere.”

Lush Arena

The Chief of Naval Staff pointed out that the Nigerian Air Force are participating effectively in the duty operations both in the North-East and North Central, boasting that his men are providing close air supports to the ground forces through provision of logistics such as supply of, jackboot and medicine to treat the wounded soldiers.

Penpushing further reports that, Abubakar, however urged Nigerians to also play their roles by giving support and relevant information to security agencies so enable them secure conducive and peaceful environment.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Prof. Idowu Olayinka in his remark noted that the Institute for Peace and Strategic Study was built to harmonized the existing peace and security in the nation, and to bridge the existing gaps between the government and the people both at the local level and internationally.

Penpushing reports that, the Vice Chancellor who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Admin) Prof Kayode Adebowale noted that the Nigerian Air Force has a very strong research and security network, adding that they should use it to build more security system in the country

The University Don however commended the efforts of the Nigerian Air Force to curb the issue of insurgency and other security challenges in Nigeria.

Penpushing also reports that, earlier in his welcome address, the Director of the institute of Peace and Strategic Study, Prof Tajudeen Akanji noted that the institute was created by the University as one of the strategy to contribute to the societies needs in building a peaceful and peaceable environments for growth and development.

The Director  explained further that the institute is a multidisciplinary academic institution established to drive strategic initiatives geared towards addressing contemporary security challenges in Nigeria, adding that as a substantive academic unit, IPSS has since risen to its statutory responsibilities in post graduate teaching, research and community service, and thus enhancing the international agenda of the university.

“The choice of Air Marshal SB Sadique for today’s lecture is deliberately, because of the changing nature of internal security operations in the security sector particularly in Nigeria has revealed the increased strategic importance of the Nigerian Air Force in the prosecution of th various operations, we have witnessed the contributions of the leadership style of the CAS in the success attained so far in the Book Haram  operations, credence to this was reported in 2018 global terrorism reports, new emerging threats are calling for more actions from the security agencies, especially the air force.

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