
University lecturers embark on protest over unpaid 4 months’ salary

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Chapter on Thursday embarked on a peaceful protest following unfulfilled agreement by the Nigerian Government to implement three and half months of their salary.

Penpushing reports that the lecturers gathered at the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) campus in Ijebu-Ode to register their displeasure over the government non-challance towards their welfare.

The protesters also frowned at stagnated salary of academic staff in the last fifteen years, arguing that the Nigerian government has continued to push the members to go on strike by turning deaf ears on their request.

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Penpushing further reports the members of the academic union pointed out that a Professor at bar in Nigeria now earn $400 per month, emphasizing that the strike became inevitable in the next three weeks if they continue with this style.

The protesters in their argument emphasized that Nigerian public universities need intervention to be among the world best and therefore called on the leadership in the country to rise up and be more responsible

Penpushing also reports that the Chairman of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Chapter Dr Wale Ositoye who led the protest told journalists that the lecturers’ salary still remains stagnant despite the harsh economic policies

‘The academic staff salary still remains stagnant despite the harsh economic policies by the present government, such as withdrawal of fuel subsidy and the devaluation of naira’ Ositoye lamented

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