Metro Plus

Two feared dead, others injured as rival transport unions clash in abeokuta

Two persons were on Monday feared dead and a dozen others sustained degree of injuries following rival transport unions clash over the the control of parks and garages in Abeokuta and environs of Ogun State.

Penpushing reports that the supremacy tussle was between members of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) at Lafenwa, the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN) over which group should have access to the parks and garages.

Lush Arena

The violent clash was more pronounced at Ita-Osin, Obantoko and Odeda parks, as stones, broken bottles, machetes and wooden objects were freely used against one another, as unconfirmed sources said two persons were allegedly killed

Penpushing further reports that Ogun State Police Command Public Relations Officer Omolola Odutola, however, insisted that there was no loss of life in the fracas, adding that normalcy has returned in the affected areas.

Meanwhile, the police spokesperson added that as at the time of filing this report the Command was still trying to gather information and piece it together to ascertain what transpired among the transporters.

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