
The Concept of Transformative Governance in a Democratic Nation

By Oluwadara Akingbohungbe

The ultimate Transformative order of any Nation is a joint task between the government and the Citizens. The actions and inactions of every citizen within the state must correspond to the tenet and principle of the rule of law. In order words the constitution of the land must be uphold by the government and the governed.

The comparative analysis of Nigeria the country with the largest population in Africa and one of the largest population in the world in relation to United States Of America, you will agree with me that, one of the reasons for the retrogression of the Nigeria State is negligence to the dictate of the constitution by some Citizens of the state, while in America there is strict adherence to the constitution by vast majority of the citizens.

Lush Arena

No Nation can develop and experience transformation beyond the concept of it lay down rule (Constitution). The law was made for Man in order to guide his conduct. Once the law is breech then man is definitely expected to face the wrath of the law.

Transformative Governance connote you as a Man or Woman in power to be conscious of the expectations of the Citizens and adhering strictly to the constitution in taking actions that will result to happiness in the land, if there is no happiness in the land there will be outbreak of strive and conflict.

The system ought to make the common Man hopeful. The government ought to make the economy conducive for absolute utility in order words, the government ought to create enabling environment that will make the common Man to derive satisfaction.

All this will be discussed in this Series……… Relax and enjoy.

Series 1: Democratic Governance: The Will Of The People

The popular definition of Democracy by Abraham Lincoln goes thus Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people. Democracy is the government Set up by the people for the Transformative order of livelihood through an elective means to make the expectations of the people come to reality by some representative in the governmental affairs.

This brings us to the fact that democracy is a representative government. That is in democracy the collective will of the people must be duly address. Any Democratic government must seek for the will of the people and meet their needs. As someone in power in a democratic setting, you should know that you’re there for the interest of your people.

Even God that no Man made to be in power have the interest of his people at heart. As someone who assume power through a democratic means, you must give the people free will to ventilate their opinion about your administration. The freedom of expression needs to be uphold in a democratic dispensation.

Using the law enforcement agency to tame the people in ventilating their opinion. If by so doing, that is done, that makes you a tyrant. In order words for the people to ventilate their opinion about the government, that ought to be done within the confines of the law of the territory of any government.

Oluwadara Temidayo Akingbohungbe writes from Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital, Nigeria

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