
Terrorists sack 50 communities, abduct hundreds of people in Zamfara state

About 50 communities have been attacked and sacked by terrorists in Zurmi Local Government Area of Zamfara State, abducting hundreds of residents after weeks of incessant invasion of the communities.

Penpushing reports that lawmaker representing Zurmi/Shinkafa federal constituency at the House of Representatives, Hon Bello Hassan made this known on Tuesday adding that the gunmen killed two police officers and three civilians during the attacks.

The federal lawmaker explained that the wanton attacks have forced many of the residents to flee their homes, stressing that those who have stayed behind are being molested by the bandits, and called for intervention by the security agencies in the area.

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“At Kanwa village on Saturday, the gunmen killed three people and abducted over 30 others. At Gidan Shaho in the Nasarawa area on Monday, they killed two police officers and wounded many people. We are now trying to ascertain the number of people missing following the (latest) attack’, he lamented.

Penpushing further reports that Hassan stated that the attacks were continuing despite the efforts of the federal and state governments to check the atrocities, emphasisng that the attackers operated both day and night.

“There is a need to redefine some of the approaches being deployed by the security operatives in fighting the terrorists in Zamfara. The truth of the matter is that the security operatives deployed in Zamfara State are insignificant’, the lawmaker said.

‘Some of them deployed in the areas have overstayed, some for eight years, others 10 years. They have stayed longer than necessary; they need to be changed. We have reported this issue severally to those authorities concerned but without any response’, he added

Penpushing also reports that the lawmaker representing Zurmi/Shinkafa federal constituency at the House of Representatives urged the security agencies to send more officers to the area and change their tactics in fighting the terrorists.

The report has it that Zurmi is the second most populous town in Zamfara after Gusau, the state capital. Lying on the border with Niger Republic and sharing boundary with Katsina State, and it is one of the areas frequently attacked by terrorists in the state.

Penpushing reports that the bandits usually ride in long convoys of motorcycles to their targets despite the presence of security personnel in the areas, and have attacked many communities in Katsina, Sokoto, Kaduna, Kebbi and Niger states.

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