
Terrorists attack mosque kill 18 worshippers

Terrorists have invaded Ruwan Jema, a community in Bukkuyum area of Zamfara State, attacking a mosque and killing 18 worshippers, an attack said to lasted for over one hour, and linked to terrorists from either the Dogo Gudale gang or Shadari gang, which are based in the nearby Gando forest.

Penpushing reports that, an indigene in the community, Abdullahi Salisu, was quoted explaining that the terorrists arrived the mosques in motorcycles just as Jum’at prayer was about to start and started shooting at the worshippers indiscriminately.

“When the bandits came on their motorcycles, they rode straight to the mosque. When the worshippers, who were already inside the mosque learnt of their arrival, they started running outside but it was too late as the bandits opened fire on the worshippers,” he said

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Penpushing further reports that, Salisu, added that the attack was carried out on Friday, and that as at the time of filing this report on Saturday many residents of Ruwan Jema have deserted the community

“Those who hid inside their houses and silos later recovered eight dead bodies inside the mosque while ten other corpses were recovered outside the mosque. As of Friday night, 18 dead bodies were counted”, he stated

Penpushing also reports that, the resident  added that several residents fled into the bush but were later seen in other communities while others trekked to Bukkuyum, the local government area headquarters, while a  traditional ruler, said several residents are receiving treatment at the General Hospital in Bukkuyum.

The traditional ruler who doesn’t want his name in print for security reason disclosed thats four people who sustained serious injuries were taken to the Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital in Sokoto.

“There are more than ten victims with gunshots injuries in Bukkuyum General Hospital. This morning, the medical officer asked that four people should be taken to Sokoto for urgent medical attention. I was there when they left. They sustained serious gunshots and we hope they survive it”, he said the traditional ruler added.

Penpushing reports that, in similar vein, another resident of Bukkuyum, Abubakar Usman, said the corpses were yet to be buried as of Saturday when filing this report, adding that those gathering the dead bodies abruptly fled when rumour spread of return of the bandits.

“Even those who started gathering the corpses abruptly fled for their lives in the evening when there was a rumour that the bandits were returning. That’s why I told you the figure could be more than 18 because who know how many were killed when even those who started the counting abandoned the dead bodies and run for their lives?” he said

Penpushing further reports that, Usman added that he heard that the policemen and soldiers stationed in the area were getting reinforcement to go to the community so that the dead bodies could be buried, while as at the time of this report, police authorities were yet to make any official statement on the sad development.

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