Hear him ‘ Our live’s are more precious before God, Nigeria government and security agencies should be more responsible for the security of life’s and properties of the people because Jesus Christ has come and laid down his life for us, so there is no need for shielding human blood again’.
“This is a clarion call to all of us that we must value our lives because our life’s is precious to God that is why God allowed Jesus to go through all the sufferings.”
The cleric reiterated further that Easter period is a time for repentance and Christians should repent from all their sins and begins to live a holy life, noting that with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, people have realised that God valued live’s to the extent that God sacrifices the life of his only precious son for human to be alive.
“This time marked the period Jesus Christ died for us and the whole world, it shows how Jesus suffered, it was a grievous suffering, he was brutally treated and eventually died, and the story did not end there because Jesus resurrected and this is what gives all Christians joy”