

From all indications, Mozzi is a visible partner of the Federal Government in the anti-malaria campaign as witnessed here today; what is Mozzi really all about?  

Mozzi is mosquito and insect repellant range of products proudly made in Nigeria and manufactured by PCMN, a company that has been in the country for the past 18 years and they are mainly in oil and gas industry but have decided to invest in research to produce products that can save lives. Our aim in this regard is to prevent people from getting malaria and prevent the spreading of the virus. Our aim is also to keep families safer and ensure improvement of life-style of the people.

Lush Arena

What would you say about World Mosquito Day, Nigeria and your company’s involvement?

The interesting thing about the World Mosquito Day we are celebrating here today, which, of course is being celebrated worldwide, is that it actually started in Abuja at about 2000 when a group of African countries together with some of their counterparts came together and said “let’s come together and stop the spreading of malaria”. As I said earlier, our involvement is purely to be a part of the global movement to prevent people from getting malaria and stop spreading of the virus, especially in Nigeria and Africa.

How serious is the mosquito scourge in Nigeria which must have been a reason for the involvement of PCMN in manufacturing Mozzi range of products?

To put it in the softest and harshest terms, in Nigerian one person dies of malaria-related disease every two minutes and so, it is a very big problem. In fact, the statistic given here today by Minister of Health was that close to 500 thousand people die in   Nigeria annually from the disease.

Do you also manufacture mosquito nets?

No, we don’t manufacture mosquito nets. But, to explain it in simplest terms, our products and mosquito nets fall in the same category. We are also preventing mosquito from getting to bite the people. Our products can actually be sprayed on mosquito nets to prevent people from being infected. We have a wide range of products, for instance we have Mozzi paint which can prevent mosquito landingfor two years in homes, schools, hospitals and other public places–through Mozziproducts; we are giving the society holistic protection.

The world is tilting towards renewable energy; what is your company doing differently in terms of after effects of mosquito repellant sprays etcetera?

Our products are environment friendly. One other good attribute of our products is that we don’t use harmful materials to produce them. As a matter of fact, 95 percent of materials used in producing our products are sourced locally in Nigeria. Mozzi products are endorsed by Nigerian Medical Research Institute and National Malaria Elimination Programme, And, for the first time in Nigeria, NAFDAC has allow us to co-brand a product MUOKA-MOZZI with the ubiquitous MuokaFoam, which indeed, is the testimony that our products are environment friendlyand will be readily available all over the country, particularly in the rural areas where malaria scourge is very prevalent.

To achieve your drive in preventing people from getting malaria and prevent spreading of the virus; have got in contact with relevant authorities?

Yes, we have been in high level of communication with state and local government authorities because we really want to train people on the use of our products thereby creating employment in states and local governments. Also, we are ​in high level of communication with the military.

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