

He said, this strata is supposed to be the fabric  and driving force behind the economic and leadership successes of every nation, but  lamented the nonchalant behaviour of many Nigerian Youths, who are doing well abroad, towards the political and economic affairs of theirs father land.

“Unfortunately, a typical Nigerian working class citizen has become self-afflicted. They are unconcerned about leadership, whatever happens, whoever becomes the President/governor/senator, does not stop my salary and/ or business, has become their refrain”, he stated

“It is on record that Nigeria has over 19million of her young citizens in the diaspora, mainly in the US,UK and SA, all in active service developing other nations. Most of them have participated in the politics of their host countries with some being elected into parliaments. In Nigeria over 48% of people are either working or in business and only a minute percentage partake in politics and other societal development activities’, he added.

Lush Arena

The scribe, however, assures that the YLF would provide solutions to these problems and will fill in this lacuna by empowering and building her members through sustainable leadership programs to enable them align with our step in and take charge mantra.

“It is an obvious fact that the peak age for maximizing potentials in career, leadership, family and business fall within the ages of 30-50years.  We have identified this age range as the most crucial in the nation’s building blocks. Therefore, we are building solidarity to project and protect the interests of our young and creative minds with tasted character values and skills who will be courageous enough to step into the ring of our Nigerian politics to actively participate and contest for various leadership positions”.

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