*That while the meeting of the Unity Forum lasted, a delegation consisting of barrister Bayo Lawal, Chief Sarafadeen Ali, Dr Nureni Adisa and Hon Lanre Agoro arrived at the venue of the meeting that all we heard about any template or list names of state exco yet to be agreed upon did not exist and that it was a mere rumor
*That contrary to those assurance, a lists of state exco of the party was forced on the throat of Dr Majekodunmi, the congress chairman, who without consultation decided to do the biddings of Chief Koleoso and Chief Ladoja by allegedly announcing some names as the state exco memebers of the party without following due procedure for the conduct of a genuine party congress as contained in the constitution of the party and the guideline issued pursuant to the same
*That at the purported venue of the party, the members of old ADC and the Unity Forum were not represented and it was affairs of both Chief Koleoso and Ladoja as well as dognant followership of Chief Olakojo
That Dr Majekodunmi met with the Unity Forum on the 29th of August 2018 on the directive of the national chairman of the party at this venue, but could not defend the announcement made at Green Spring Hotel of some names as members of state exco of the party
That clear resolution party was demanded through Dr Majekodunmi to the national chairman as follow
To the effect that the kangaroo and illegal congress purported carried out should be cancelled within 24 hours of its announcement which expire at 6:05pm yesterday as same as invalid, illegal, unconstitutional and ultra vires of his power as the congress chairman same having been postpone and no further notice of recession of postponement was published or given to delegates and members of the party
That all legal means will be taken to ensure the cancellation of the charade called state congress
That Unity Forum while leaving avenue for the resolution of the impunity which the characteristic’s of the key player involved in this logjam, we will consider any other option for our teeming members to realise their political ambition, our numerous supporters yearning for good governance