
President Bio declares winner of Sierra Leone presidential election, as opposition candidate, Kamara rejects results

The President of Sierra Leone Julius Bio has been declared the winner of the presidential election in the West African country, just as his frontline opposition opponent, Samura Kamara rejected the result of the elections

Penpushing reports that the presidential election announced on Tuesday the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ESCL indicated that Bio of  the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) polled over 56 per cent of the votes to avoid a run-off against Kamara, of All People’s Congress (APC) party. who polled about 41 per cent.

The general elections recorded tension and widespread uncertainty, which was more pronounced in opposition strongholds in the northern districts, as police in Sierra Leone on Sunday fired tear gas at the headquarters of the opposition party in Freetown as voters awaited the results of the keenly contested election

Lush Arena

Penpushing further reports that Bio who is 59, was running for re-election after a first term of five years, while his opposition candidate is 72-year-old and former cabinet minister, who on his twitter alleged that live bullets were fired at his office inside the party headquarters.

The statement by the police, however, said members of Kamara’s All People’s Congress (APC) had paraded through Freetown, announcing to the public that they had won the election, while the office of National Security had earlier warned party members against declaring the result of the elections.

Penpushing also reports that the National Security in the statement emphasized that the announcement of elections lies with the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ESCL which is the electoral umpire for the hotly contested poll

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EOM) in Sierra Leone on Tuesday in its preliminary observation report stated that voters’ commitment to a democratic process (was) challenged by violence and lack of transparency at critical stages of elections.

Penpushing reports in reacting to the results of the election shortly after the announcement, Kamara on Tuesday argued that the results of the election were not credible, declaring that he would continue to fight for a better Sierra Leone.

“My compatriots. We have heard the unfortunate announcement of the elections results for the June 24 Presidential elections by the Chief Electoral Commissioner Mr Konneh, It is a sad day for our beloved country. It is a frontal attack on our fledgling democracy. These results are NOT credible and I categorically reject the outcome so announced by the electoral commission’, he wrote on twitter

Penpushing further reports that the Presidential Candidate of All Peoples Congress (APC), however, expressed gratitude to his supporters and international observers who monitored the general elections.

‘l thank each and everyone of you for your trust and confidence and for standing by me.I acknowledge the efforts of our local and international partners who stood for transparency and democracy. I will rise above this travesty and I commit myself to continue the fight for a better Sierra Leone,” he wrote.

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