
Police trim down number of political parties’ representatives to attend election petition tribunal

The Ogun State Police Command has issued out strict invitation to politicians who may want to attend and witness the sitting of the election petition tribunal, in Abeokuta, the state capital, declaring that henceforth a maximum of ten members of each political parties would be allowed.

Penpushing reports that the police made the declaration in a statement issued by the Command Public Relations Officer, Omolola Odutola on Monday, stressing that as the hearing resume Tuesday, only ten members of each political parties are qualified to attend.

The statement said the directive became necessary to avert any break down of law and order, and therefore called on political parties leadership to adhere strictly, adding that the command has equally assigned its men and officers to take charge of the security within the vicinity and environs.

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‘The security architecture for tomorrow’s(Tuesday)  Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Isabo Abeokuta would be an organized formation with strict presence of Policemen manning all the Court’s precincts to secure the safety of the Court’s attendees as well as forestall breakdown of law and order during the Court Proceedings.’, the statement said

‘Political Parties Chairmen and their representatives are hereby adjured and admonished to handpick and select their representatives of not more than ten persons who will be physically present in Court’, Odutola wrote.

‘This alert is coming earlier in order to inform and pass a notice that the Ogun State Police Command desire to see an emplaced uniform cooperation from all political parties involved with the hearing of the election petition tribunal to advice  their loyal party members to stay clear’

‘The Court is a sacred ground and a highly revered environment. Any form of plan or calculated intent to disturb the Court’s sitting tomorrow 13th June 2023 will be viewed as Contempt of Court ex facie curia and on same premise the police can advance against any erring person or personality for Conduct likely to Cause the Breach of Peace.’, the statement warned

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