
Police can’t arrest Bobrisky being crossdresser, says muyiwa adejobi

The Nigeria Police Force have given reason why the cross-dresser Idris Okuneye popularly called Bobrisky cannot be arrested, arguing that such case is difficult to prove because crossdressing is not an offence in Nigeria.

Penpushing reports that the Force Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi made this known in television interview explaining that the Nigerian police’s stance on specific moral issues and cross-dressing in the country.

‘There are some cases that are always very difficult to prove. I’m not ruling out that we have many of them, but if, for instance, you want to prove the case of rape, it has points to prove, and if any of these points are missing, you may lose your case in court’, Adejobi said.

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“Let us be reasonable; you can’t prosecute someone without credible evidence against them. I don’t think crossdressing is a crime in Nigeria because I have not read anywhere where cross-dressing is an offence in Nigeria’, he emphasized.

Penpushing further reports that Adejobi, however, disclosed that there were allegations against certain crossdressers regarding their involvement in punishable offences he tagged unnatural offences, emphasizing that individuals who engaged in criminal activities in the name of cross-dressing would be prosecuted.

‘That’s where the problem lies, and we need evidence that they’re actually into all those offences, which are ‘unnatural’ in Nigeria and are punishable under the law’, the police force public relations officer stated.

Penpushing also reports that the House of Representatives in April 2022 introduced a bill prohibiting cross-dressing with an amendment to the Same-Sex (Prohibition) Act, which was sponsored by Hon Muda Umar of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Bauchi state, sought to amend sections 4 and 5 of the principal act.

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